Exterminating the Blood Demons in Grim Dawn. [ENG+ESP]

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In previous chapters of my adventures in Grim Dawn I told you how during my visit to the Necropolis I had to face a herald of the cult of Ch'thon. After an intense fight, that being was defeated, but not before opening a portal to the dimension of the Blood demons. So today I will be traveling through the plane where the demons and other beings of the Ch'thonian cult live to hunt them down and eradicate once and for all the plague that plagues the lands of Cairn.

The first part of my adventure consists of entering the temporal rift opened by the herald to access an intermediate plane between the human world and that of the demons. This dark plane, full of darkness, would be like a demonic limbo.

En capítulos anteriores de mis aventuras en Grim Dawn les comenté como durante mi visita a la Necrópolis tuve que enfrentarme a un heraldo del culto de Ch’thon. Después de una intensa pelea, ese ser fue derrotado, pero no sin antes abrir un portal a la dimensión de los demonios de Sangre. Así que el día de hoy estaré recorriendo el plano en el que habitan los demonios y demás seres del culto ch’thoniano para darles caza y erradicar de una vez la plaga que azota las tierras de Cairn.

La primera parte de mi aventura consiste en adentrarme en la grieta temporal que abrió el heraldo para acceder a un plano intermedio entre el mundo humano y el de los demonios. Este plano oscuro y lleno de tinieblas vendría siendo como un limbo demoníaco.

Once inside the limbo I notice that there are human buildings as well as structures of the demonic world. It seems that this is where everything that disappears when an accident occurs during a summoning ritual ends up. But the darkness and gloom will not stop me, for with the glow of my pistols and the radiance of my spells I make my way through, eradicating every demon that crosses me. Something that I find curious is that in this intermediate plane there are no cult followers or summoners.

Una vez dentro del limbo me percato que hay resto de edificaciones humanas a la vez que también hay estructuras del mundo demoniaco. Tal parece que aquí es donde viene a parar todo lo que desaparece cuando ocurre un accidente durante de un ritual de invocación. Pero la oscuridad y la penumbra no me detendrán, pues con el brillo de mis pistolas y el resplandor de mis hechizos me abro paso erradicando a todo demonio que se me cruza. Algo que me resulta curiosos es que en este plano intermedio no hay seguidores del culto ni invocadores.

When I had almost discovered the whole extension of the map, I meet a blood demon called Balok'Anatu who presents me a fight, but without moving much from the place where he was. This attitude awakens my curiosity and after killing him I go to see what he was guarding so suspiciously.

Cuando ya tenía casi descubierta toda la extensión del mapa, me encuentro con un demonio de sangre llamado Balok´Anatu el cual me presenta pele, pero sin moverse mucho del lugar donde estaba. Esta actitud despierta mucho mi curiosidad y tras darle muerte me dirijo a ver que era lo que resguardaba con tanto recelo.

Apparently the deceased demon was a kind of gatekeeper who guarded the entrance to the demonic world. Said entrance were some dark stones with red inscriptions as if they were blood runes. To enter, a skeleton key was required and luckily I had some with me.

Al parecer el fallecido demonio era una especie de portero que resguardaba la entrada al mundo demoniaco. Dicha entrada eran unas piedras oscuras con inscripciones rojas como si fuesen runas de sangre. Para entrar se requería una llave esqueleto y por suerte traía algunas conmigo.

As I entered the demonic world, everything suddenly changed. The landscape turned a deep red color as if it were blood mixed with fire. It was clear that I was already in the underworld. As I advanced through the narrow corridors of that labyrinthine world, hordes and hordes of lower demons attacked me, but they were falling before me.

Al adentrarme al mundo demoníaco, todo cambio repentinamente. El paisaje se tornó de un color rojo intenso como si fuese sangre mezclada con fuego. Era claro que ya me encontraba en el inframundo. Mientras avanzaba por los estrechos pasillo de ese laberíntico mundo, hordas y hordas de demonios inferiores me atacaban, pero iban cayendo ante mí.

Already with all the map of the domain discovered, I only had to access the last room where three superior demons were waiting for me, which I could not even catch them, because they detected me long before accessing the area where they were. But I was prepared, I brought my potions and elixirs ready. After an arduous fight in which I almost died twice, I was victorious and I considered the blood demons exterminated.

Ya con todo el mapa del dominio descubierto solo me quedaba acceder a la última sala donde me esperaban tres demonios superiores, los cuales ni capturas puede hacerles, pues me detectaron mucho antes de acceder al área donde estaban. Pero yo estaba preparado, traía mis pociones y elixires listos. Tras una ardua lucha en la cual casi muero dos veces, salí victorioso y di por exterminados a los demonios de sangre.

It only remained to return to limbo where I should find the crack in the void that brought me from the Necropolis to here.

Solo quedaba retornar al limbo donde debería encontrar la grieta del vacío que me trajo desde la Necrópolis hasta aquí.

But what was my surprise when I arrived at Cruce del Diablo and saw that an Ethereal creature had attacked the shelter. It seems that my exploits against the Ch'thonians were the perfect excuse for the Ethereals to attack the human settlements that were no longer under my care. But this will not go unpunished and my revenge against them will be terrible, for I will not rest until the world ce Cairn is a safe place for humans. To be continued...

Pero cuál mi sorpresa cuando llegue a Cruce del Diablo y ver que una criatura de los etéreos había atacado el refugio. Tal parece que mis hazañas en contra de los ch’thonianos fueron la escusa perfecta para que los etéreos atacaran a los asentamientos humanos que ya no estaban bajo mi cuidado. Pero esto no quedará impune y mi venganza contra ellos será terrible, pues no descansaré hasta que el mundo ce Cairn sea un lugar seguro para los humanos. Continuará...


Thank you very much for reading my post. If you liked it, please leave a comment and consider following me so you don't miss my next posts. I'd love to know your opinion and your thoughts about the topic I discussed in this post, see you in the next one!

Muchas gracias por leer mi post. Si te gustó, por favor deja un comentario y considera seguirme para no perderte mis próximas publicaciones. Me encantaría saber tu opinión y tus ideas sobre el tema que traté en este post. ¡Nos vemos en el próximo!


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It'd be great if you can share some photos in a single frame without using -|- too much as this community is mostly about those photos and they should be the main focus.
I hope you understand.


There is no problem. In future publications I will avoid using table formats. It is not a problem for me.


This whole topic of Limbo causes me interest, because in fact I recently finished playing a video game called "Limbo", and basically it is a place like this that you describe with your photographs is dark, mysterious and strange. Good post my friend, I will wait for the continuation of your adventure and purpose to improve that world.


The hour of the final challenge is nearer than ever. The supreme deities attest to my vow to free the world.

Thank you for commenting.
