Clintok Aulorian is back!


I am preparing for a big event, for me at least. Its been years (years!), even since the reboot, which was 2 years after the campaign originally died. There is something with gaming with friends, I keep too busy, they keep too busy, we just haven't been able to make it work.

In a similar vein to video games, I think about how much fun it would be to play, but rarely do, never in fact. Its been a long long time, but never say never - because Clintok is back!

Yes, we are doing an intensive all-in session, fly across the world, take off of work, spend 3 days doing nothing but - HELL'S REBELS.

I'm playing as Clintok Aulorian, Noble Scion and third son of a minor member of the famous House Aulorian of Kintargo. Our beloved city has been overrun by LE douchebags. We, the free citizens of Kintargo - do not comply. I am CG, if you are wondering.

I made a song, an anthem to our rebellion. We are still level one, but the GM had us pre-plan our characters to level 17, although we can make adjustments along the way.

alex-trapp-736960895/hells-rebels-kintargo-rebellion-theme?si=d6f15ceb7d6c459ca4d6153c29472e5a&utm_source=clipboard&utm_medium=text&utm_campaign=social_sharing soundcloud ~~~

Our party looks like this:

One specialty archer (dps)
One Arcane trickster (dps)
One Warpriest (tank)

And me. A bard. Left to do the main healing and utility. I have been working on my spell list a lot. Known spells, let's see what we have here:

0th:detect magic
ghost sound
Dancing Lights
read magic
Oath of Anonimity

1st: sleep (replace at 5th with hideous laughter)
cure light wounds (replace at 8th for Timely Inspiration)
Illusory Crowd
silent image (at 7th)
saving finale (at 11th)

2nd: Cure moderate
gallant inspiration
invisibility (replace at 11th for Path of Glory)
suggestion (at 10th)
mirror image (at 14th)

3rd: Haste
Dispell Magic (replace with Arcane Concordance at 14th)
Cure Serious Wounds
Good Hope
Confusion (at 13th)
Phantom Steed ???(at 17th)

4th: Cure Critical Wounds
Hold Monster
Wall of Sound
Dim. Door
Modify Memory (at 16th)

5th: Shadowbard
Greater Dispell Magic
Shadow Evocation
Cloak of Dreams

6th: Overwhelming Presence
Brilliant Inspiration
??? (at 17th)

Skills to pay the bills

I just have my skill list to work on next, a super important part as I will be the 'face' of the party. As a Noble Scion, I have a lot of bonuses to Diplomacy, as long as people know about my family (locals). I will also have quite a high intimidate score, and lots of Knowledge bonuses, which will stack with many of my bard abilities.

Here are my skill choices at level 1:
Perform (Oratory)
Knowledge (Arcana)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering)
Knowledge (Local)
Knowledge (Nobility)
Knowledge (Planes)
Knowledge (Religion)

We will see what I wind up being able to do with them.

Any thoughts from the peanut gallery? Do you ever play table top RPGs with friends?

Freedom and Frienship


I love playing with friends at the table with the dice, and the notes, and the snacks, and the laughs, it is awesome. Unfortunately it has been almost 2 years since our last game. I was running an Advanced Dungeons and Dragons campaign loosely based on the "Keep on the Borderlands" module. But life happened, people moved away, relationships broke down, etc...

There is hope though, my daughter and her boyfriend expressed interest and my son is always up for a game. Now I just have to pin them all down for one Saturday soon. It's like herding cats ;)


It is such like that, and it turns out I am the wiliest of the cats as the one who moved to South America. I'm honestly a bit surprised they still invited me :)


It's certain you enjoy those moments spent having fun with friends in the game, even though as a nongamer I sincerely do not understand what it's all about. A further explanation would be appreciated but it's not necessary. Thanks for writing and have a nice day.


We are playing Pathfinder first edition from Paizo:

Not to be confused with second edition.

The first edition is noteable for being able to use all the (many, many) expansions from 3.5 edition of Dungeons and Dragons. You can read more on the Wikipedia:

As for all the details, they are practically infinite. My wife thinks I'm crazy to do so much work for a game. But the end goal is having fun, and it is actually quite fun, once you know what you are doing. Much like any other game - learn the rules, and play within them.


It is always a quality time most of the time when spent with friends who shared like mine and way of reasoning
