Hi everyone! Welcome to another edition of the #Hivelearners Weekly Featured Contents. Week 122:- Edition 02:-. With the theme "Performance Enhancers."

What do you think of people who use drugs so they can perform better in sports?
I personally don't support the motion of using drugs just to be able to perform well on the field. Because to me, it just looks like you're literally trying to downgrade your ability to perform without drugs.
And also, what they don't seem to understand in most cases is that they make the cells adapt to the system of taking drugs before performing. And also, make the cells weak to the extent that they literally can't do anything on the field without the influence of the drug they take.
Which shouldn't be that way. They should learn how to believe in themselves that they can do this and build themselves to the level they really want to get to. That would help build, first, their self-esteem and also help them not to depend on drugs before they can perform well.
Because I believe that if they divert the faith and believe they've got on the drugs they use on themselves to perform well into the faith and believe they've got on the drugs, they'd literally do better and great than they'd do if they were under the influence of the drugs.
Should the restriction on such drugs be lifted if the side effects are reduced to the minimum?
This is a really tough one to be very sincere about because everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. It's a tough one to give an answer too. But nevertheless, I'd be stating the advantages and disadvantages of the situation:
Health and Safety:
Against: Even if side effects are minimized, there may still be unknown risks or harm from continued use.
For: If side effects are reduced with proper regulation and medical monitoring, the health risks might be acceptable.
Regulation and Control:
Against: Enforcing rules and regulations against the usage of drugs should maintain a sense of order within sports.
For: Proper regulation could be put in place to ensure safe use and fair access.
Natural Talent and Hard Work:
against: I personally believe that sports should be a testament to natural human ability.
For: Athletes would still need to train hard and hone their skills; the drugs would only help enhance their natural abilities and recovery processes.
Does using such drugs take away the fact that these athletes work hard for what they've achieved? Let's hear your thoughts.
I believe that allowing them, even with minimized side effects, could undermine the values of fairness and health in sports.
But then,other people seem to argue that, with proper regulation, they could be safely integrated into sports to enhance their capabilities and give better performances.
But then, regardless of the stance, it's clear that any decision would need to weigh the health implications.
Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope you've learned lots of lessons from the community's weekly prompt. This post is in response to the #Hivelearners weekly contest.
N.B.: All images used in this post are mine.