
Life has been made easy for people to learn things online without stress. YouTube has really made a great impact in the lives of many. You can learn whatever you wish to learn these days through the internet. Which, if you ask me, has made lots of people turn out successful in life.


It has never been this easy for one to learn things with no stress attached. You can easily learn how to do things from the comfort of your home. There was this time I was trying to figure out how to make semolina, and I had no idea of that, even though I've literally seen my mom make it right before me countless times. But then, I have never for once paid full attention to it whenever she makes it, and I was wondering how to make it.

I picked up my phone and went straight to YouTube. I saw lots of amazing tutorials on how to make it, and I went for the one I felt I could understand better, watched it, and practicalized it. It came out the way I wanted it at the end, and I was quite happy and proud of myself for being able to acquire a new cooking skill on that day. YouTube made it easier for me to have been able to make dinner that day with no stress attached.

The internet has made life more easier for people to learn a new skill and acquire knowledge on a daily basis. It's now left to you to make the sacrifice of doing research on what you really want as a person. I'm actually so glad of how the internet makes one learning process in every field fast and easier.

Compared to the days whereby you have to plead for people's attention to put you through something you want to learn. Life has never been this easy. No one makes you feel like you're stressing them or something whenever you want to learn something. You can easily just go to YouTube to learn whatever thing it might be that you really want to learn.


There was this time I was trying to learn how to do something on the bass guitar too. I really didn't have anyone to put me through then, and I really wanted to step up my game as a bass player. At first, I was always using the fact that I had no one to put me through as an excuse. But then, I later sat myself down and had a man-to-man conversation with myself.

I realized I was only using that as an excuse, and if I really wanted to acquire a new skill to step up my game, I could easily just go to YouTube to search for the kind of thing I really wanted to learn and take tutorial classes for them. I later on did watch some videos of a lady that does really great work on YouTube in breaking down steps and lessons to becoming a good bass player for beginners.

I really did learn a lot from her. She really does take her time to teach, explain, and make sure a person understands everything she has been teaching. It was always like she was teaching me directly. She's a really good teacher, role model, and also a mentor to many bass players out there. A big shout out to the BASS LADY❤️.

If you really want to learn something you've been craving to learn for awhile now, YouTube is the best place I will recommend to you to go.

There are lots and lots of amazing lessons to be learned from different people with different teaching experience and pattern. Endeavour to always do more research if you turn out to be a person who finds it hard to pick things up easily. Look for a person that teaches what matches your search.


The internet has already made life easier and smoother for everyone. You really can become that thing you dream of every day of your life. Chase your dreams and never give up. There's always going to be a solution to your problems on YouTube.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope it was worth it, and I also hope you've learned lots of lessons from the community's weekly prompt. This post is in response to the #Hivenaija weekly contest, edition .

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The term 'I can't do it' should be banned now cause why can't you do it when there are so many tutorials on the internet teaching you how to do whatever you claim you cannot do.
It's good you had that conversation with yourself as it helped you solve that problem with the bass guitar


I mean
Lots of tutorials o.

Yes it really did help me.
Thank you so much for stopping by


Wow, you could actually use YouTube videos to learn something on your guitar? Why does that sound so cool to me? Lol

Indeed, life is easier with internet and online learning.


Yes you can! is actually.

It has never been this easier.
