Hi Everyone! It's the weekly featured contents for Week 110:- Edition 03:-.And the topic given out to be discussed is "Don't Break The Chain."
And today, I'll be writing about the positive impact I got from my mom while growing, how much it has been helpful to me as a person, and also how far it has brought me in life.

While growing up as a kid, I realized that even the smallest gestures of compassion and support could have an impact on someone else's life.
I made a commitment to be more attentive to the needs of those around me and to actively seek out opportunities to extend a helping hand in my little way.
Because while growing up as a young boy, my mom would always teach us how to share things with both our family and friends and also to always be considerate about others too.
And that has really helped me so much till this particular point of my life. Because it turns out to also be a way of opening doors for one's self too.
Because while growing up, I used to be a self-centered kind of person at some point in my life, and the very moment my mom started noticing that branch of me that was growing, she had to cut it off.
And it gave me more reasons to be a kind-hearted person and to always try to be considerate of others. And most especially, she also thought me to be a person known for good deeds in life.
From that day on, I actively sought out ways to spread positivity and support in my little way within my community.
Whether it was lending a listening ear to a friend in need or simply offering a word of encouragement, I found joy in being able to brighten someone else's day.
Each act of kindness I performed was a tribute to my mom's initial gesture. As I continued to embrace this mindset of kindness and generosity, I noticed a shift in the way I viewed the world around me.
Rather than feeling overwhelmed by my own insecurities and limitations, I found solace in the ability to make a positive impact, no matter how small.
My interactions with others became more meaningful, and I developed a sense of purpose that transcended my own self-interest.
The gesture served as a beacon of light that guided me towards a path of shaping the person I am today.
I am forever indebted to her for showing me the transformative power of empathy and inspiring me to make a difference in the lives of those around me.
Let's all always endeavor to go and put a smile on the faces of people around us and not always try to be a self-centered kind of person in life.
Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope you've had lots of amazing moments in this community and have learned lots of lessons from it's weekly prompt.
N.B.: All images used in this post are mine. They were designed using Canva.
Sharing is always caring. Our parents are best teacher and I am glad you learn to be kind and sharing from your family as me.
Yes, it's always a good thing to do.
I'm grateful for the gift of my parents that helped me become a soul that can help in any situation I'm being able too.
Parents are the best teachers. Sharing is caring, coz you don't know what the other person is going through, just your kind gesture might put a smile on someone's face
Exactly... you really don't have an idea of what people pass through on a daily basis.
Thank you for stopping by Meya😊❤️
You're welcome