Fighting One's Demon Alone

Fighting Our Demons Alone

Fighting our demons alone is a tough phase of one's life, and it turns out to be a phase that is really hard for someone to overcome sometimes.

Because sometimes you literally just feel like you might not make it pass that stage, but trust me, it's just your demons trying to bring out his ugly head to make you give up, but you sure will overcome with time.

It's just a phase that will literally pass someday, just like the saying which says nothing lasts forever; just trust the process and keep up with the race.

There are some phases in life that we just have to face all by ourselves and fight alone with no one trying to help because it's our fight, and if we don't fight it ourselves, it might be hard to cope with a tougher stage in life.

Life hits us all differently. Personally, I'm a person who doesn't like watching someone I really love or care for pass through any pain or any kind of stress.

And I always try to make myself available to help in any situation when I'm opportune to do so.

But then, sometimes I just sit myself down and wonder, What am I even doing? Why am I doing this exactly? Am I really helping this person, or am I making the person more vulnerable to other tough life challenges ahead of them?

Because, truth be told, if we all have our ways of not letting our children, partners, families, etc. go through any stress in life or face any reality of life till the last day of their lives,.

The majority of us will do anything possible to make sure they don't have the so-called crazy experiences of life and end up helping them become weaker.

Because the truth is, we cannot always be there for them in times of trouble or when they need us the most in life.

The best we can do for them is help them with knowledge and tips to help conquer their tough stages in life, not always help them fight because we would only help them get weaker and make them big cowards who could not fight their own fights themselves.

And then they will always need you to help them fight their demons when they are in their down times, and that only gives them no chance to have been able to face the reality of life.

A Typical Example

Just for example, if a child wants to learn how to drive a bicycle, and just because you love the child way too much, you're always protecting the child while riding.

How soon will the child be able to ride on his or her own without the help of her guidance? How soon?. But if you give the child a chance to figure out how to do it themselves, he or she would be a better rider with Time. That's just a typical example of how some of us overpampered our loved ones and make them weaker in the times when they are supposed to draw strength from.

I hope I'm able to impart knowledge to you that we can't always be there for our loved ones, even though we love them so much and can't watch them pass through the pains and realities of life.

But we just have to sometimes prepare them for future tough times in life so we can help them fight their demons well and conquer them.

Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope it was an impactful one for you. I also hope it helped open your eyes to this dark area of life.

N.B.: All images used in this post belong to me. The thumbnail was designed using Canva.


I understand you perfectly. It's good to help our loved ones, but sometimes we should give them the space to figure out things themselves. We shouldn't deprive them of certain experiences.

Thanks, dear for sharing.


I'm happy you were able to see from that instance
Thank you so much for stopping by
It feels really good to have you here

You have discussed some pretty powerful thoughts here. So many times in life... we sometimes need to learn things the hard way. If not, we will never truly learn. But I want to ask you a serious question here. What, if any, kinds of apps or software do you use to create your posts? Currently, the various programs I use to check for plagiarism, AI use, etc... are all showing some pretty negative results. Please let me know when you read this; I will be waiting for your response.



Yes we some times have to learn things the hard way to help make us stronger.
Thank you for going through my content
It's nice to have you go through them.

I don't use Ai to write my post
I write while brainstorm.

So you don't use anything like Grammarly, Deepl, etc? Strictly original content... without any kind of program/app to assist you?

I've got a quillbot extension installed on my browser that tells me when I make errors while writing

That's what I was curious about! So many of the tools that have been made to help us... sometimes can, in a way, hurt us. Only as they can be considered a False Positive by many of the tools we have been given to check for said AI. It has become a time of many new things in the technology world. I thank you for sharing this and being honest. If I may suggest? I see that you are sourcing your images/photos, etc. Perhaps add the use of this tool, so other's can see that you are indeed just using it for a means of spelling checks?

OperaGX Snapshot

Checking one's spelling can be accomplished via Grammarly as well, of course. When we get to altering the actual "words" rather than checking them (paraphrasing etc)... that's when we start to tread on thin ice. Again... thank you for being upfront and honest with me. I would suggest, as I have to many, that you do not over-use these tools that we have available to us.

Okay boss... thank you so much for all of this.. I'd work on it boss.
It's a blessing receiving comments from you boss


I like the moment when you had to sit back and ask yourself questions about the approach you are talking towards helping people. Anyone that has a little bit of empathy with surely like to help especially when they see a family member or a friend going through a tough time. However, this can also be a dangerous approach because it can make them very vulnerable in the face of challenges.

So, it's always a matter of maintaining a balance. We have to help, but we don't want to overdo it. Hehe.

It's really interesting to read your thoughts on this and I concur with the approach you are presenting.


Yes boss... We really do have to help but at the same time we shouldn't over play our roles in the life of people.
Thank you for stopping by boss
And also for the health melting words of wisdom, honesty, and encouragement.
