A Tough Face Of My Life

Hi everyone! So it's the Weekly Featured Contents Week 101:- Edition 02:-.And today, I'll be talking about the toughest face of my life so far in my journey through life.

As human beings, it's normal for us to have lots of hard tasks, difficulties, and tough times in our lives that we battle with on a daily basis.


That's just life. In life, we've all got different things that we face because life's full of lots of ups and downs, which, if not taken care of, might end up ruining us if we give it the chance too.

Because life isn't a bed full of roses, and as a human being in life, you should literally have it in the back of your mind that there are lots of tough times to face in life, and you literally just have to come out outright and stand strong at the end.

One of My Toughest Times.

For me,I can't deny the fact that I've literally been involved in lots of things I'd find really hard to take off my head because those times were times I was so down.

It was the toughest moment I've ever come across as a very young guy who was just getting to start his life, and it's literally a very big learning experience that is forever a big memory in my mind.

One Tough Time

One tough time for me was when I got involved in a business and got scammed at the end of the day. The money was literally very huge, and I was scammed at that age.

And I was only trying so hard to be able to do something myself and also be the big boy that I've always wanted to be with a soft life 😪.

And it was really crazy how I trusted this scammer so badly that he disappeared, and this turned out to be a moment in which I felt so alone,was so cold, and was thinking about myself more.

And it was literally during our exam period, and I found it really hard to have been able to concentrate on my exams. It was a lot for me because I was very young, but I'm happy everything came back to normal just at the end of the day.

And I was able to settle the guy with the help of my parents then because I was being so depressed and down thinking about where I wanted to start from at that point.

I was still in my secondary school days then, so you could imagine how crazy and nuts I was already going because of the issues on ground then.
And also, he was always pesting me at every single moment until I got to refund him when the matter was already getting bigger. I literally had no choice but to involve my parents, but everything is good now.

Lesson's Learned From The Previous Issues

So I was able to earn at some point in time but later got in touch with a plug who turned out to be a scammer and put me in lots of trouble then. But thank God it wasn't more than that.
Lessons learned were not to be too open to trusting everyone you come across, because not everyone of them is really a loyal and truthful vendor.


Thank you for taking the time to go through my amazing content here on this great platform, and I hope to see more of you here in this amazing community.

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It is always hard to know who trust especially when it comes to business and involves money. You really did well by involving your parents and not going through another route because that could turned out bad or expose you to bad things at such a young age.

I must mention that I really commend your consistency on the platform. You are doing really really well.


Yes... it's always been a very hard tasks to know who to trust in a business kind of thing. especially when it get's to be a online vendor.

And yes,thank you I just had too because If I didn't,I was diffently not going to be able to do anything myself àgain at that point in time boss and might end up not having a choice then to do something bad that might have exposed my really badly.

Thank you so much for stopping by and also for the amazing complement boss lady it feels really good to have you here☺️.


woah, it's really not easy going through life's challenges as a young lad. Scammers are very heartless in achieving their goals, and they won't mind the extent of damage it would cause others. I am glad you learned from it because trusting the wrong people is very disastrous.


Yeah exactly it's never easy.

And you can't really blame scams too they're just trying to feed and earn a living too just like everyone but they're literally just doing it the wrong way.

Because they aren't Being considerate most of the times.and yeah I sure really did learn and this time it turned out to be the hard way.

And yeah trusting the wrong people is literally the highest disaster on earth.


Wow, from Secondary School you had a huge amount to give to who turned out to be a scammer? Well, thank God your family was able to rally round you. Many people are out there to cheat others of their sweat. We learn everyday not to trust unless we have been given a reason to. All thr best @ebass


Yeah not like I had, but I was just trying to go into business. I've literally been engaged in various little business at that point,but I just wanted to make it more bigger and that literally got me into a big mess.

And also I was able to earn the trust of my buyers because they've seen me engage in lots of successful business and that helped enabling me to be able to earn there trust.

And finally that guy literally wanted to spoil my reputation but thank God for my parents invasion.

Thank you so much for stopping by @adoore-eu it feels really good to have you here.


It's tough sometimes when things don't go the way we want especially you are just starting life amd getting scammed it is really frustrating.


Exactly it's hard but I take it to be a face and believe I'm definitely going to get out of it some day and I was happy and proud of myself that i did☺️.
Thank you for stopping by @iskawrites it feels really good to have you here☺️.


I can imagine the pain you felt when the scammer did away with your money.
You feel as though nothing good is meant for you but in actual sense, it’s all a test from God. From this experience, I’m sure you learnt your lessons and came back stronger.


Yeah I did learnt my lesson and I'm now Stronger and bigger now

Thank you for stopping by

It feels really good to have you here
