A Regrettable Experience Of Loaning
Hi Everyone! It's the weekly featured contents for Week 111:- Edition 03:-.And the topic given out to be discussed is "The Bad Loan."
Today, I'll be talking about the terrible experience I faced as a young boy in the days when I was still in junior secondary school.

The Bad Loan Experience
On that particular day,I got into serious trouble in school with a close friend of mine who didn't take it lightly with me at that point because money was involved.
On that very day,my friend came to school with a car, and then he gave us his friends to drive around on that particular day. And then it was my turn to drive.
I then went straight up to the car and started driving with my friends in the car with me. And then they were hailing me because I knew how to drive better than they did.
Influences Of Friends
Then I was driving normally at first because it wasn't my car or that of my parents, so I was trying all I could to make sure I was very careful and not also overspeeding.
But then, my friends started hailing and calling me by my nickname, which I was always called in school, and were gingering me to speed up because they all knew how much I loved accelerating a car.
And then I eventually fell into their trap by doing things I was supposed to do with cars, like speeding and also doing drafts.
And then that was how I started speeding at high speed on that very day, and for people that speed a lot with cars, you'd always notice that the faster you go, the softer the car's wheels get.
And the owner of the car was actually one of the people making me do all of those things too. And that was how I eventually bashed the car with a car when I was just trying to make sure I wasn't doing too much.
That was how all my friends just disappeared after the whole thing and left me all alone to face reality by myself, and then the owner of the car held me up.
And insisted I must pay him money to go fix the car, and then the money was quite a lot because it was the whole frontier of the car bumper that had been issued.
The Period I Took A Bold Step To Take Alone.
I looked for someone I could ask for help, but I couldn't find any and could not tell my parents then because they mustn't know I sneaked out of school then.
After a long search for it, and eventually not getting it from people I could ask from,I had to take the risk of applying for a loan, which was eventually given.
But I was given a little time to refund, and I couldn't make it, and then I started getting calls from them back to back trying to ask for their money, and I was way still young then.
Taking A Bold Step To Loan Funds That Ended Roughly
I wasn't left with a choice at that point in time other than to apply for a loan. And then,they started calling people I knew to report me to them, saying that I was owing them and that I had to pay them back fast.
It was so embarrassing at that point in time because I was the kind of person who was always finding it hard to loan stuff, but I wasn't having a choice at that point in time.
I was eventually to pay it off after awhile, but since that very day,I have always found loaning a very difficult thing to do.
Lessons Learnt
I learned lessons from the rough experience to the extent that I started finding it really hard to borrow from people or online loaning apps.
Thank you for taking the time to go through my content, and I hope you've had lots of amazing moments in this community and have learned lots of lessons from it's weekly prompt.
N.B.: All images used in this post are mine. They were designed using Canva.