School Days Chronicles: When I was mistaken for a god in my school and what the experience was like


I'm so delighted to participate once again in this wonderful weekly engagement proposed by the able admins of this community, @hiveghana.

My secondary school days were full of mixed experiences. I had both ugly and good experiences; memories I wish to relive and experiences I found myself missing most were during the period I was appointed as the Head boy of my school.

Becoming a senior prefect was one of the things I so much cherished during my secondary school days, and I worked hard to make it work. Among all the contestants who showed interest in the position of Head boy in my school, I was lucky to become the chosen one.
Sincerely speaking, it wasn't easy work because, many times, the pressure from school staff and students became overwhelming. I had the mindset then that 'leaders are not born; rather, leaders are made'. Many things went wrong in my school then, which resulted in some parents withdrawing their children from my school.



Some students before me did not pass their West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), and that became a big challenge to me. Two senior prefects before me failed the examination, and when I was appointed as the next senior prefect of my school, Many believed in me, while others thought that I wouldn't pass my WASSCE exams. The number of students in my school drastically decreased because of the problems we were facing in our WASSCE examination. Some people said that my school was cursed, but I didn't give up.
I registered for the examination and prepared myself well because I knew that if I don't pass the WASSCE examination, my school may lose all its students. Four weeks after the exam, the results were released by the WAEC examination council, but my own result was not among the released results. Some days later, my result was released, and guess what? I Passed it.
I received congratulatory messages from my school teachers, fellow students, and other people outside my school. The experience will forever remain evergreen in my memory because I can't imagine what would have become of my school if my set didn't pass the

Furthermore, in the space of one year that I ruled my school, a lot of achievements were made. I, in collaboration with other functionaries in my school, brought my school to a higher level. I led a group of brilliant students from my school to quizzes and other competitions, and we have never finished last. It was during my rule that my school took first place in a quiz attended by over 17 schools. My school took the third position in the practical computer science competition during my rule. It was during my rule that my school got a school bus from an individual who heard about the new developments and academic progress in my school.

All these experiences from my school days are what I miss most, and I wish to relive them again. If I were given another opportunity to rule my school, I believe that I would do more good things than the ones I have done.



Thanks for reading through.

All the pictures attached to this post are mine


It’s good to see that you were able to impact the lives of many during your time as the senior prefect and you also did well to get good grades. Not everyone is able to pull off something like this with all the stress that comes with being a student leader.
