Holozing Game Backpack Drawing - HoloZing

OK friends, we meet again with this extraordinary community. Hopefully friends are fine and more creative and also hopefully this community will get bigger and busier.

Yesterday I came back and wanted to contribute again here, thinking about what I would post, I had drawn several character pictures in the last post. Now I came to the conclusion to draw a HoloZing backpack. Yes, several models and colors of HoloZing backpacks have caught my attention, so I finally chose one of them to draw. For other friends, come join here and express your imagination here, to get new information about the #Holozing Community, please follow the @holozing account.

My Work

OK friends, to draw HoloZing Backpack I have prepared several materials: Paper, 2B Pencil, Colored Pencils and Sharpener.

The first thing I did was draw the outer line of the backpack following the shape of the backpack as outlined, I made this line smooth and I will clarify it later.

Gradually I drew the other parts of the backpack one by one.

After all the parts had been drawn I returned to the initial lines and thickened some parts to make them clearer.

Finally the painting stage began, I painted the top of the backpack light green.

I also painted several other black parts and left blank the white parts.

For the dark green color, I added a little black shading, because my paint was green, the color wasn't dark enough.

After everything is finished, this is the final result of my creation this time.

OK friends, thank you for coming and seeing my post this time. Hopefully you will be entertained and like it.

From @dzaky12
