MONOMAD : The Caterpillar Who Will Become Queen
The caterpillar is a photo that I shared at this meeting, this is a caterpillar that I found on a leaf, this caterpillar has a very cool shape, it doesn't look like it has many hairs on its body. After I identified it using Google Lens, this is the caterpillar which will later become the Queen Butterfly, namely a brown butterfly with white spots on its wings, and the sides of its wings are black like the frame lines in a picture. I took this photo of the caterpillar yesterday, namely on October 1, 2023, in a location not far from where I live. I took the photo that I shared this time using a smartphone camera and the help of a QQ Lens macro lens, and carried out the editing process using the Adobe Lightroom application, I hope you like it.
Thank You, Best Regards