RE: God of Weather offerings and energy poverty
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So called "climate change" is a biggest scam of XXI century. So called "scientific consensus on climate change" is a scam. It is enough to briefly read the study cited as evidence of this consensus to see that this is simply manipulation. The real reasons behind this scam have nothing to do with climate or ecology. Windmills and photovoltaic panels are extremely inefficient, especially in Poland (weak wind, frequent cloud cover, snowfall in winter), especially as part of a system (because they are unstable, but e.g. for a camping cottage they may be useful in certain conditions). If the government really spends money for CO2 emissions on purposes other than the "green transformation", then it is even better, because the more of this harmful "green transformation", the higher the electricity prices and the more unstable the system becomes, with the risk of blackouts.
I won't get into 'climate change' discussion because I know nothing about it. However I disagree with you about spending funds from CO2 emissions - the government controls energy distribution and purposefully manipulate the prices (cheap energy, expensive transfers), which also excludes other energy producers (it's not cost-effective for non-government company to start producing energy in Poland). So I believe the money should be spent for:
In that order.
I can agree with 1. and 2. Regarding energy storage, we could build more Pumped-storage hydroelectricity (PSH), like the one in Żarnowiec. Battery storage as part of the system is too expensive and has too short a lifespan - it would be throwing money down the drain. "Green" technologies in Polish conditions are simply sabotage, as my professor called it during lectures on the subject "Energy and the Environment" at the University of Technology (in 2002, just before green scam started). However, we need investments in coal technologies more than nuclear power plants, because we have old power plants, and technology in this area has made enormous progress. We could have even 50% more energy from the same amount of coal burned. And without coal our system will collapse.
We all know perfectly well Poland will not invest a dime into coal technologies and we're heading in the direction set by Germany (we will import energy from neighboring countries when there's no wind or sun after we kill our coal industry). As for energy storage, of course Pumped-storage hydroelectricity (PSH), like the one in Żarnowiec or Solina are immensely expensive and nobody will decide to buil one. However, there are already functional 'energy bank' systems that earn on energy price arbitrage. Batterie are expensive, but the modern consumer ones offer several thousands of full cycles. It doesn't mean we shouldn't build a coal-powered power-plant or two to replace those being outdated.