hive dividers-10.png

You know I don't have much experience on the platform but so far what I have noticed is that contests and engagements are the fastest ways to build an account. This is the second contest I will be participating in over the space of a month I think. And it has been tasking, very tasking even though I don't post daily. For this I give kudos to those who make time to post everyday, it is something to commend based on my experience and I hope I am able to one day get to that level of commitment. But for now, just enjoy my works and help me become a whale (Hopefully 😁)
When I saw the theme of the Cosmic Creations, I had a deep thought of what Crypto is and has been. In contrast to most predictions it has lasted this long and with no central control. In my opinion that is very commendable and has the rigidity of the King of the Jungle. Just now I feel like I should have added a crown.
If you're just seeing my work for the first time I would like to state that I only use three colors for the time being. The reason is that I am trying to build a niche. That whenever you see any of my work it would be recognizable, please bear with me.
I got to know about LEOFINANCE few days ago while flipping back through an artist's wall (teesart) for about a year or so and seeing the community I went through but never subscribed. And juxtaposing the finance aspect of the crypto market with a lion seemed like a brilliant idea and I went with it. I still am making my findings on the coin and platform but so far so good with the developments I have seen, I am impressed. The platform expresses the rigidity and progressive spirit that Crypto preaches:
'A decentralized system that is self sustaining and not dominated'

The gorgeous lineart I traced had shallow depths just incase I had to make some adjustments to the figure and as it happened, I did do that eventually.

I added some shades using a mixture of hatching and cross hatching. As far as I am concerned, it was the fastest way to fill in those blanks.

Furthermore I extended the spread and properly carved out the face .

The work was nearly finished at this point and considering the limitations I currently have with my color choice, I touched up the mane with some red and strengthened the lineart once more.

I did the same thing here..

I filled in some black for vatiety in the background so that the image might pop up properly...

And here is the finished work, that which we've been waiting for....

The materials I used while making this sketch are blue black and red pens from two brands: BIC and SCHNEIDER

You are more than welcome to stop by any you feel like it. I promise to always keep you entertained with my art.


Hello,@dykay in the Hive community, it is important to make your presentation post.

In this post you include photos, a summary of who you are, how you met Hive, and what you want to add about your work.

In these tags you can see the presentation posts, and serve as a guide for you


Regarding your sketch it is beautiful, I like the vibrant colors.


Thanks, I will work on that today. But please I already worked on a post and will do the introduction right after. I'll tag you in it if you don't mind just so it'll be visible.

Thanks once again for the info and compliment 🙏.
