The past shapes our present
"You've grown and You've changed" one of my aunties said. She has noticed how differently I managed my anger. I smiled; I knew what she meant. I was no longer the boy of 12 who took rage from everything, but this didn't happen overnight. This was a product of my past. Each wrong decision I took out of anger left me a scar that reminded me of the consequences of my vexation until it was able to shape my present.
The statement "we are just human" tells us of our vulnerability to mistakes. But each scar from this vulnerability is our ladder to a better present. Our past hurt, the scar even hurt the most if it was a big loss, but each wrong was a refining tool that says "hey dummy, life doesn't work this way, be wiser next time". As long as we learn from the tiny voice of the past. We become a better version of who we were. If one has never failed, nor taken wrong decisions that cost him much, then he probably hasn't tried doing anything worthwhile or he is still in the same position he was many years ago, redundant to growth.
The past hurts. One sees his foolishness displayed before him and he wishes he was wiser, forgetting the fact that it was actually his fall that has built him into the man or woman he or she is today. Our history is what shapes our present. It hurts, but Embrace the past, pick up the tiny broken pieces of you from the past and you'll be amazed at what you'll make from them when you are able to fix the puzzle. The scattered puzzles from your past are the pieces that bring out the better version of you. You will be amazed to see who you have become, learning from your past. Our past is our curriculum to strive better in life.
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