A Bizarre post that holds hidden answers


There are so many things to say, but most often I'm only able to say just a few. Our inquisitiveness is never satisfied, there's never a better answer to the question we ask. Science has only tried based on unsatisfied-proven assumptions to explain how the world came about, a subject that is far older than their existence and they have tried to make us believe in what they believe in. What if most of these histories are lies, deceptive stories to shape our pattern of thinking?. What if there was never in existence certain men we consider as legends today? What if we've been living on with false ideas about life?

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"Seeing is believing" a statement that has made science center around proof, but sometimes what we see isn't all there is. There are certain confusions that still hold us captive and our thirst for knowledge is insatiable. Science and religion speak two different things, religion believes in faith- holding unto what is unseen, science on the other hand needs evidence to consider a subject true and yet the unseen world exists in our surroundings.

My point of confusion is; who am I? That's the first thing we should have been introduced to before we became familiar with the world. What am I here to do? A few answers have been given by different scholars who believe they have come in touch with the answers. But life has been a struggle to be rich, have some level of authority, and power. My question is often "what next?" If satisfaction that lasts for a long time isn't derived from whatever we possess, then we hold onto the wrong thing. The place we find peace, may just be our dwelling place and the place where answers lies to our deepest questions


This post resonates well with me. Life generally is filled with competitions and unending struggles. Where exactly does our peace in life lie? Nobody knows the answer to this question.


Life is filled with unending questions and answers. Some we will find answers to, others we might not.

Thank you for sharing.



That's true, often times we don't get all the answers we desire
