Your environment.


Every decision we make will always have an impact on us whether is to change or accept but what most people don’t know is how great little decisions can impact our lives. The common little decision that most people don’t talk about is the kind of environment we live in and how it can help shape our minds, expose us to danger, and most importantly be our limiting factor. The environment is often not always taken seriously because we believe it doesn’t matter but it can determine how our decision-making will be and anything that has power over your decision-making can truly have a good or bad effect on your life.

Most adults will tell you the environment doesn’t really matter but immediately they start having kids they plan against it because they know that environment is not good for raising kids. The kind of environment we live in says a lot about us, and it says 50% about our lives and the kind of standard we want for ourselves. The kind of environment you live in can say a lot about your potential behavior even without you being around, people can already guess what to expect from you based on the past history of those who lived in that environment, and sometimes our downfall can be majorly due to the fact that we are so attached to a specific environment.

The effect

Our decision-making is most likely due to the things we see and the things we understand and most importantly our beliefs are affected by the kind of environments that we find ourselves and this can also mold our standards. some people are emotionally attached to an environment that if they have moved to another environment they could’ve done better for themselves but because they don’t see themselves outside that environment is the reason they have been stagnant all their lives, some of these people stick with their environment even though is not working for them.

Sometimes, if you put the same efforts into anything somewhere else you will be more productive but that kind of energy might yield little to nothing in your environment. An environment is not always about where we live sometimes it is what surrounds us. Some people are not physically present in their environment but the people that surround them are the reason why they make decisions they are making and also the reason why they are so attached to the environment.

Create your environment

There’s no need to be emotionally attached to an environment that is not working for us, one thing we must be able to do is to create our own environment that will support our goal, you must be able to create the kind of environment that we want for ourselves and how we want people to treat us, how we want our life to be and also the life of our children. Environment plays an important role in our decision making the overall outcome of our lives, so we must not take it lightly and create the kind of environment we want for ourselves.

Thanks for your time.

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