Understanding self helps in setting goals

Setting goals can be easy for some individuals who understand their capabilities and desires. However, for others, it can be challenging because they may not have a clear understanding of what they want to achieve. While knowing what we want is important, it is not the only factor in setting a goal. We must also have a strong reason or motivation for achieving that goal. This can help us push ourselves to the limit and stay focused on our objectives.

So many people out there know what they want, but they have not given themselves a good reason why they should go for what they want. when our why is strong enough how we are going to achieve the goal becomes clearer, I don't normally project myself into the future. I just give myself a strong reason why I should achieve a goal and this does help me to keep going even while I'm tired, but there are different ways in which we can set our goals. Some of us set our goals big enough so that they will push us so hard and push us more, and some set their goals little by little, ticking the box every day to grow.

Understanding self can go a long way in achieving different goals

Understanding oneself is crucial in life. Setting big goals can be overwhelming for some individuals, causing them to become easily discouraged. On the other hand, setting small goals can make some people complacent and unproductive. Striking a balance is key to achieving success. It is important to push ourselves to our limits while also being mindful of our capabilities.

Motivation is key when it comes to setting goals. For some, the fear of poverty is enough to drive them to set goals. Others are motivated by the desire to make someone close to them proud. Regardless of the reason, it's important to have a goal and a game plan to see it through, even when obstacles arise.

One common mistake individuals make when planning their goals is neglecting to consider how to overcome challenges they may encounter along the way. It is essential to plan for the difficult times in addition to the positive aspects when goal setting.

Planning for the worst is one of the most effective ways to achieve our goals. By preparing for the worst-case scenario, we can anticipate and overcome challenges with ease. Unfortunately, many people make the mistake of only planning for the best-case scenario, leaving them unprepared when things go wrong. By taking the time to consider what could go wrong and planning accordingly, we can eliminate the element of surprise and successfully navigate any obstacles that come our way.

To achieve a perfect goal, we need to consider various factors such as creating short-term or long-term plans, setting big or small goals, and taking necessary steps along the way. Understanding ourselves is also crucial in planning our goals. By analyzing all these aspects, we can successfully achieve our goals.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I agree, many people don't know what they want and even worse, they don't know themselves, they simply set goals that become more difficult to achieve, the worst thing about this is that it can be frustrating for the person. We must first know ourselves


We have so many people out there who don't know what they want and they set goals they couldn't achieve because they don't want it in the first place


Of course,if you understand yourself then you’d be able to actually make realistic goals.
And I saw myself in there when you said some people set goals to make others proud.Most of my goals are to make people proud.Starting to think I should rather think of making myself proud.


There is nothing bad in trying to make some people proud but never forget to make ourselves proud too


In certain aspects of life, I prefer setting big goals that I know will be hard to achieve but not impossible to achieve. I think this brings a lot of motivation and inspiration to put in the work needed to achieve the goal. Of course, having a system to tackle obstacles and keep moving forward is crucial.

When we understand ourselves, we become more certain on what we want to do and why we want to do it.


Well said.

Understanding ourself always play a crucial role in making goals


Setting goals and being motivated and having a strategic plan will make one achieve the unachievable.. life does not come easy to everyone we just have to fight for it


Nothing comes easy, we must all keep pushing, setting goals and never give up


Exactly my bro. That`s why we are here on earth
