The reward


Most of us struggle with a lot of cravings in our lives, and some of our cravings are mostly things we don’t want to have anything to do with. I remember when I started my fitness journey I was trying to run away from bread and I always found it difficult because not only did I enjoy the taste of bread, but I also enjoyed how it made me feel after I ate it. I used to consume a lot of bread at that time I was trying to stop eating bread and this was a result of cravings. I can’t stop craving bread and what makes matters worse is that we have a particular bread factory in our area where I get newly baked bread. Anytime they are making their bread aroma fills up the street which makes me always crave bread but at a point, I realize something important that is not even the bread that I crave.

I realized that my craving was beyond the bread and I was able to get this simply because even after I ate the bread I still wanted more. I realized what I was craving for was how I feel after eating bread and not the bread and this is where my cravings usually come from and I was able to stop bread by just consuming food. I make sure I consume food at the right time, I don’t starve myself and I don’t give myself options to eat out because most times the reason why I choose bread is that I don’t want to cook and I fix that, which helps a lot. If you know anybody around you who craves one thing or the other, if you look at them closely what they desire is not actually what they want, what they want is how what they are craving will make them feel.

Check your cravings

If you see someone who loves cigarettes or alcohol, you realize that they do not crave cigarettes or alcohol, They just want the feeling that comes after they have taken the substance. The feeling is the reward that they get from taking alcohol. It is easy for people to forget about what they crave but where their work comes in is how they can get over what they crave makes them feel. Where most people struggle is not how they can avoid what they crave for, where most people struggle is how they can forget how what they crave makes them feel. This is the main reason why people always go back to any substance that are taking, they can forget the name but not the sensation and they are forced to go back to their vomit.

This is how people create habits of doing bad things, it is because the reward that they are getting is great and immediately the brain recognizes that the reward is great, They are going back. This is because the brain will create an automated action from the experience, which is why it is always very difficult to change people when they are addicted to some of these substances. When people are craving things whether it is video games, cigarettes, or alcohol what they craving for is the reward that they get and not the actual things they mention. 

The greater the reward the greater the craving

Why everybody loves money is because it is a great reward. The way it makes us feel is great and if you notice people without money are always very sad simply because money is a great reward, the better the reward the greater the Cravings. Things that come with rewards are sex, food, money, alcohol, or drugs. This is because the reward is great  and also the greater the reward the harder for you to break from it, your brain will automate it into a habit.

Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You're right about craving sometimes, however, I think in Nigeria we don't have a lot of options for food, unless you're truly a dedicated kitchen person. Cooking self no be small wahala


I have not eaten bread in two years and other foods like that. I was able to stick to it because I was determined
