The edge
I stopped working in Benin City in 2016 and I remember that I worked for two years with hard labor. I was able to save something very close to 200,000 naira. At that time 200,000 naira was a good amount of money because naira was around 300 naira per dollar then. After I went back to my city from Benin I was looking for ways to invest the money I saved, I remember one of my friends came to meet me and he said I should put the money in MMM. Some of you might still remember MMM, but that was how I lost all my money because it was a Ponzi scheme and I did not do my research.
Fast forward till now from 2016, which is like nine years ago, there is a new Ponzi scheme called CBEX and so many people are doing this thing. At least I used to get two or three calls every week now from people begging to join this platform. When I did my research I realized that this platform is paying 4% daily which is good but we all know it won’t be sustainable. Nothing in this world that gives you 4% daily will last long. It will crash and I don’t want to ever risk my money again on Ponzi because of my experience with MMM.
One of the things that shocked me was the fact that most of my rich friends were calling me to join this platform. Some of these people have cars, they have even built houses. I don’t expect them to invest their money and such a risky platform and when I ask them questions, I realize that they don’t even know what they’re getting into. They are just there to make quick money, they don’t care about how and where the money is coming from, they just want to make quick money knowing fully well that is risky.
I have a friend who has close to 10K in this platform and he’s making a lot of money daily. I told him to withdraw 70% of the money so that if the platform crashed, he wouldn’t regret it for the rest of his life, but this guy did not listen, he just wanted to keep making more money because the more money you have on the platform the more you earn. Some of my friends who own multiple businesses have money in this Ponzi scheme, and it just makes me realize that greediness knows no bounds. Everybody is greedy, but there is a level to it. I think one of the main reasons why I did not join was because of my experience and the pain I went through in the past.
Experience will teach you well
Experience is one of those things you can not buy. It is very valuable even more valuable than gold. Sometimes I think about 4% daily and it makes me want to join, but with the kind of experience I’ve had with MMM I understand that anything that gives you 4% a day can never sustain itself, that stops me from investing my hard-earned money into such a crazy scheme. I believe one of the main reasons why most of my friends are here to invest in this is because they don’t have the same experience that I had. They did not go through the same pain that I went through when I lost all the money I labored for in Benin City.
Ever since then, I’ve promised myself that I will never put my money into things like that. Some experiences have gone a long way in cryptocurrency and those experiences made me what I am today. I believe most people don’t have this experience because if they do, they’ll be more cautious about how they want to spend their money, especially on things that are not sustainable. Sometimes in life no matter how much money we make we still need that experience but I pray we don’t learn the hard way because the hard can be tough. It can have a positive and negative effect on us.
Thanks for your time.
Well anyways your body looks too good do u take a strict diet to maintain abs ??
HBD gives 15% and it's even yearly and not even daily. 4% is unimaginable. I won't really fault your rich friends. Some rich people wants easy ways to multiply their money without actually thinking of the consequences.