Take control


we are leaving the world where we are being controlled, the things we do, the things we eat and the way we live our lives are controlled and it’s not our fault, it is easy to get information these days, which makes it easy for people to be misinformed, that is why we find it difficult to have a true identity. We are in a world where we don’t know what is true because there are so many lies on social media and it is always easy for people to believe them, a perfect example of how they control us is through a trend.

when we look at fashion, it means trend because we have a group of people trying to dictate what the majority of people should be wearing at a particular time. I remember when I was growing up wearing a big shirt and big trousers was very popular and everybody accepted this trend but as time went on we changed the trend to wearing tight pants and a tight T-shirt and till now it is more appreciated than wearing big trousers. I’ve come to realize that wearing big or tight shirts does not fit everybody because the majority are changing we must change too.

Same goes with food

That’s always been a fight against cholesterol because of heart attacks and so many good food was condemned. food like, egg meat, and so on. Recent studies have shown that some of the food we call superfoods are trash, and we should try to change our diet, but it is not easy for an average person who has been living on a bad diet all their life. The main reason the government wages war against cholesterol is not because of the heart attack, It is because they are trying to encourage people to eat more carbohydrates and now I noticed this is that so many unqualified people are on YouTube trying to tell you what to eat and how to leave your life.

some of these people are paid to say what they are saying on YouTube to convince the masses to move from one thing to another. I’m not saying that the information on YouTube is terrible or it is not right, what I’m trying to say is that most people don’t know why they do the things are doing. they just do what the majority of people are doing without knowing why they are doing it. They just want to belong and They don’t have an identity of their own.

Having style and identity make everything easy.

Debt is also used by the government to control us, even though it creates access for the majority of people to easily spend money and for the economy to grow, too much of it can jeopardize your life and put the control of your life in the hands of the government and also the bank, which is why so many people advise against it and also why people tell you to pay your debts to experience true freedom. Debt now seems normal and people are in debt not even for tangible reasons, they are doing it because everyone is doing it.

it is very important to have your identity and not do things because of the majority, but do it because it is good for you don’t let any fashion trend force you to spend more money because when you’re being controlled, you are forced to spend more. Don’t let any government trick you into borrowing money so that they can control your life. Don’t let any dietitian force you to eat what you don’t understand, it is good to have an identity and to have a style and even if you might change your mind always have a good reason for changing, but not because everybody’s doing it and also joined the crowd.

Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


You're absolutely right Dwayne we really should change our diet... I've actually stayed away from sugar for weeks now I'm getting used to it.. thanks so much for your blog... It's inspiring me to live healthier


The war on food is there. I don't exactly like it that much either but I know a lot of people who go that route. I haven't eaten as much cereal because I just don't think it's that good for you either.
