Spending time with family



I understand that my previous post may have given you the impression that I talk about my mum a lot. However, I do this because she is incredibly important to me and I miss her dearly. Recently, I have been missing her more than usual since we live in different cities. To make up for this, I invited her to spend the festivities with me and it has been enjoyable having her around, I do miss her food, but I also miss her gist and you know mothers sharing different stories that may that happened many years ago.

One thing I and my mom used to do very well was to gist about life. I think that's one of those ways she used to feel loved and express how she felt, so most times when she's talking, I always listen to her even though I always enjoy our conversation, and I love sharing anything happening to me even though we can always do this on the phone. Still, a good feeling comes with having a conversation with somebody beside you, You can express yourself very well, and it is always easy for you to open up. That's one of those things I miss when I don't have her around.





Lately, I've noticed that we haven't been spending much time together outside. My mom is always busy and even when she goes out, it's usually for business. That's why I planned a special outing for us this December and luckily, she was excited about it too. Today was a blast - seeing her smile and enjoying herself made me really happy.

I had a fun New Year's Eve at church. After leaving around midnight, I went out with my younger brother to have some fun before heading home. Although I didn't get any sleep at night, I made sure to have a good time by taking my mom to the cinema and playing games with her. My brother's son even drove a toy car around the mall and we had a great time trying out various activities. Although I felt a bit tired today, it was definitely a memorable day. If you check out the pictures I uploaded, you might notice that I looked a bit stressed, but that was because of a lack of sleep before heading out.





I cherish the moments when my family is around. It brings me immense joy to see them happy, and I'm grateful that I get to experience this with them. The reason I'm sharing this post today is to immortalize this memory on the blockchain so that it stays with us forever. This is a memory that will be cherished for years to come. My goal is to ensure that by this time next year, we can explore new places and create new memories together. I'm already making plans for it. My family deserves nothing but the best, and I want to be there for them. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.


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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Family is unreplaceable, having a good mother is the best thing that can happen to anyone. Congratulations for having a good mother.


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You sure do look stressed and I hope you get some good sleep tonight.

I love the Fact that you appreciate the time you spend with your family especially with your mom. Having someone who is always ready to listen to you is something that is hard to come by especially in this our busy world.

I can just imagine the fun you guys had and for the fact that you even deprived yourself of sleep only shows how much your family means to you 🥺.


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These are the experiences that make life worth living, having family around and spending quality time together is something to always look forward to.

Great idea to immortalize this memory on the blockchain, you can always look back to it and relive it :)


Awwww! Your mum is very beautiful. It's a good thing you decided to give her a treat. She deserves it and more, mothers are priceless gift we could ever have. I am glad she enjoyed every moment of it. Tell her we are saying Hi from hive
