Manipulating our children


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The older I get the more I realize that when I was younger, some of my friends were filled with hatred, and this is a result of their parents being separated because I realize that they hate one of their parents so much that they are even proud of saying it. I can still remember vividly how some of them were swearing with their their life not to be like one of their parents. I remember one of them swearing to me that it could be anything in life, but it doesn't want to be like his father, which is something I am getting to understand now that this hatred was so real and so concerning.

Separated parents have a way of defending themselves, this is because they don't want to look bad in front of their children that they are the cause of the problem that leads to the breakup of the relationship or the marriage, so their main purpose for to their children is to defend themselves. When you want to defend yourself, there is always a way that you will make the other person look bad. Still, children are always looking at what the other person is doing badly because deep down, they want both of them together to live as one family, so they only focus on that bad thing that you are referring to, which always affects them mentally, and it is always their goal That bad thing that you're doing which destroys their happiness from childhood they don't want to end up doing it to their children too.

No good comes from manipulation

It is important to avoid manipulating children into thinking that one partner is always at fault for the breakup of a relationship or marriage. While it may be true that one partner is primarily responsible, it is not healthy to manipulate children into hating the other partner. It is important to believe in good and healthy relationships, which can positively impact not only the children involved but also the broader community. Manipulating your children into hating will only bring forth more hate. They will not only hate the other part you are letting them try to hate but they will also hate other genders too. It might even shape their mind into believing that nothing good can ever come out of any relationship.

Don't let kill what could have been

when we look at the society we have today we have so many people who are brought up with hate and it is not easy to date or gets married to somebody they have separate parents now because they are mostly mentally unstable and filled with insecurities because they are brought up with lies we should make it our life mission never to bring a child up with lies and hate because it kills them sometimes it kills the kind of person that could have been in the future because instead of them seeing good in people the only thing that they see is bad. it is important that when a marriage or the relationship is not working there is nothing concerning your kids and even when they ask questions and want to know what happens explain things to them in a way that will not affect their mental state and not try to let them see that you the good person.

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This post is quite relatable. Growing up, my parents got separated and my dad kept telling me things that didn't match his actions or even reality at that time. But it was when I became much older and look back that I realized that it was a form of manipulation to have me believe in a reality that will make him look good and my mum look bad.
