Make it a habit
Yesterday, I talked about tracking your income, which is very important in developing yourself, you can check that post. To track your income you must turn it into a habit because you’re not trying to do it for some time and stop, you are trying to turn it into a habit that you can do for the rest of your life and there is a popular saying that for you to make something a habit you must be able to do it for at least three weeks or a month which is quite a long time and it is true when you can do something repeatedly for a month, you must have mastered it and won’t be any problem for you again.
Most people struggle with some habit because they don't about it and they don't even consider it a habit. The reason why we can’t track our income is because we make spending lavishly a habit without knowing. People have problems with spending and other problems in their lives without knowing, it is easy for you to correct habits that you know, but it will be very difficult for you to correct a habit that you don’t pay attention to. Tracking your income is effective and can expose your bad habits, another form is tracking your calories, You can easily understand how much you are eating.  Tracking is simple but it’s an effective way to discover some things you are doing wrong.
Set a reminder
Some people know they have a bad habit, but creating a good habit becomes difficult and the common mistake that they make is not seeing themselves as a starter, for you to create a habit you must understand that you are trying a new thing and you must see yourself as a starter and easiest way to do this is by setting a reminder to remind you of all you’re trying to do. Tracking your income works perfectly because when you are about to spend and you are putting it down it will make you aware of what you are trying to do and make you rethink your decision. When you are trying to create a habit, you must have a way of reminding yourself, this will not only remind you but also give you an awareness of what you are about to do.
Change your mindset
Sometimes our problem might not be the thing we are doing wrong, Our problem is just the mindset because after we create a habit and we are aware of our problem, we can choose not to work on it and also stop the bad habit completely. Some people are so smart and they know where the problem is coming from but they choose to remain the same because they are getting some kind of pleasure from it and make themselves believe they can’t do without their bad habits. This is the reason that any time we are trying to create a habit we need to have a shift in mindset. We must first win over our minds and believe that everything is possible.
Thanks for your time.
I should check it more often but I tend to find myself doing it every once in a while when I have time. It's better to do it regularly though so I don't miss anything though.
Checking it often will create balance
I use to track it better when it was only me, but now, I just buy impromptu, from medications to increased cost of living. It's difficult out there man
It is not easy to live in Nigeria now, everything is expensive but you still have to do some tracking to see how you are spending your money.