Friendly contest



I have a few people on Hive whom I admire a lot. Often when I read their posts, I find myself emulating their writing style because I not only enjoy their content but also appreciate the progress they have made on Hive. I use their success as a benchmark to gauge my progress. They motivate me to improve and keep pushing myself. Without them, my account might not have grown as quickly as it has, as I see them as my motivation for success. I call them my success buddy and every man must have one.

It's important to surround ourselves with people who encourage us to become better and continue to grow. Many individuals tend to become complacent once they start progressing and become stagnant, with nothing to motivate them forward. This is detrimental. Having individuals in our lives who remind us of how far we've come and keep us focused on continual improvement is essential. One common mistake people make is taking personal growth as a competition and putting unnecessary pressure on themselves. What we're aiming for is a friendly challenge, but this seems to be a misunderstood concept.

Friendly contest.

Before joining a group to study at the library, I used to think that studying for 2-3 hours was enough. However, I realized I was not making as much progress as possible. When I started studying with a group of friends who spent long hours in the library, I understood that I needed to put in more effort. Studying with them motivated me to study for longer hours, which resulted in better academic performance. I also noticed that studying alone didn't always provide the same level of motivation, It reaches a point where the first person to finish a course will teach the rest of the students in the group, creating a friendly contest among us, resulting in improvement for everyone.

These friends are my success buddies at university, constantly challenging and encouraging me to push my limits. Our friendly competition drives us to do better each day and keeps us motivated to achieve more than we could on our own. Having friends like this, with whom we share common goals and engage in friendly competition, is important for personal growth and fosters strong bonds. Finding a group like this may be difficult but you can set other people's standards yourself motivated because this also helps a lot.

don't wait

Sometimes we need to consider what kind of friendly competition we can organize with our friends that can help us improve, whether it's going to the gym to get in our best shape or saving money. There are benefits to be gained from this, and if you're not the type to have friends, you can simply observe the achievements of certain people and emulate them, as I do with people I admire on the Hive. This can help you improve. We need to find ways to renew our motivation and keep moving forward at a good pace.

Thanks for your time.

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Friendly competition does spur desire to improve yourself and it does help in getting better results. It's just that I find it a little less convenient so I don't use that option much.
