Fake luxury

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It's a natural tendency for humans to make judgments based on appearances. This is because our brains are wired that way - we tend to form opinions quickly, even without much information. That's why it's important to create an appealing thumbnail for your YouTube videos and an attractive cover for your book, as it can save you millions of copies. Similarly, when it comes to finance, you don't necessarily need to be wealthy to make a good impression. Just make sure you present yourself well, even if it means wearing expensive clothing that is easily recognizable. This can create the perception of wealth to anyone in the world.

It's a common misconception that appearances can accurately reflect reality. For example, a book cover may be visually stunning, but the content within may lack substance. Similarly, a YouTube video may have an appealing thumbnail, but the actual content may be meaningless. Some individuals may appear wealthy due to their possessions, but in reality, they are only able to accumulate them through debt. However, it's important to note that a certain level of income is necessary to acquire such possessions and debt. The truth is, that many people live beyond their means in an attempt to create an image of wealth to others.

The feeling of importance and respect

Most people just want to create an impression, and some want people to know that their financial situation has changed because when most people are broke, they get less attention, They are mostly overlooked by people and immediately their level of income changes all they want to do is to let people know they are now rich simply because they want to feel important, and the feeling of importance is what most people crave. Sometimes, we acquire many things that we don't need to feel important, and some people spend their money because the only time they feel rich is when they spend.

Impressing others solely for the purpose of feeling important is a common desire. Unfortunately, many believe that wealth is the key to garnering respect. I disagree with this notion, as there are more effective ways to earn respect than just flaunting one's riches. However, in some places like Africa, there is a prevalent belief that showing off wealth is the only way to gain respect. This mindset has made many people broke and has been the reason why so many people have not grown.

If you seek growth you will follow a different path

Authentic growth occurs when we prioritize our own personal development, steadily building upon our strengths and weaknesses instead of striving to impress others. Attempting to create a fake luxury can be more financially burdensome than being true to ourselves because it leads to a constant need to maintain that image, resulting in higher costs that can leave us struggling financially. Many people find themselves still struggling financially despite earning a lot of money because their expenses increase as their income does. They accumulate unnecessary possessions in an attempt to impress others, but this ultimately proves to be a fruitless endeavor.

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Thanks for your time.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There’s this thing my friend and I always discuss about fake luxury brands.
So if a lady wants to buy a really expensive gucci lookalike bag, the she might as well just buy the cheap ones and save some coins.
Because you buy the fake one and nobody even cares and in the end you just lose money and go hungry…for what? Absolutely nothing


Nobody really cares but some people
Only feels rich when they spend money on expensive things


I agree,there are many other ways to cause a good impression or gain respect, I've always liked to believe that knowledge and respect for others are 2 good ways to gain ourselves some respect. I wouldn't like anyone around me who approaches due to a wealthy perception of me anyway.


But In the first place is this all necessary, but just to add live your life to the fullest and not to impress


Growth is the key to improving one's worth. Impressing people will expand the void created by our natural self aggrandizement. It is a fruitless endeavour when all we do is seek for approval from others by creating impression


It happens all the time, people seek others' impressions just to live their life


I definitely agree. Putting up a fake front doesn't always work. It depends on what you build yourself but it makes me wonder about people faking their resume. Fake it till you make it is what people have said to an extent.


Most people judge things instantly without confirming the truth that is why fake it till you make it work sometimes
