How much strength is needed, when you know you are right


The courage of very ordinary people is all that stands between us and the dark.
Pam Brown

Like every morning, before leaving for work I glance at the daily quote and wise thoughts of those who have walked this planet. A lot can be learned and concluded from their quotes...

For today, February 11, it says this:

Be prepared to defend your beliefs, but be equally prepared to back down if you are proven wrong. It takes a lot of courage.

I tried to find this one among the quotes and thoughts recorded by Pam Brown, but I couldn't.
But in any case, I agree with what was said, no matter who said it and wrote it down.

I'm thinking...
How much strength and willpower does it take when you know you're right and when you know there's no going back?

I don't know if you are familiar with the protests of students and citizens in Serbia for the last three months, which are spreading like waves across our country?
The irresponsible, thieving regime gathered around itself mediocrities who are incapable of running the country and have no empathy for their own people.
With absolute media darkness, when objective reporting can only be heard on a few private cable channels, targeting people who are at protests and endangering their safety, even greater courage is needed to oppose the evil that has kept us in chains for decades.

I found the following quote from Pam Brown:
The courage of very ordinary people is all that stands between us and the dark.

And it is precisely these students and ordinary people who stand on the defensive of the beliefs of all of us.

The students started bravely and I sincerely hope that they will not stop and that the tyrant and dictator will be prosecuted by the competent institutions.

Their convictions are strong and correct, they will not be proven wrong and they will not need the courage mentioned in the quote from my calendar.

They need courage and the will to continue.
Because if they stop, if they retreat in their demands, from the semi-darkness into which they have now dragged us, giving us a glimmer of hope and one spark that turned the blackness around us into semi-darkness, we will fall into eternal darkness from which we will never escape.

And that they believe in their convictions and that they show us their strength every day, this report from yesterday also speaks (I only find the article in Serbian, so I am adding one article in English).
In order to support one university to another (Belgrade, Novi Sad, Kragujevac, Niš...), students went on protest walks.
They are not just walks either, because the distances they cover are great, they are protest marches!
From Belgrade to Novi Sad, marathon running from Kragujevac to Belgrade. A marathon run from Novi Sad to Belgrade...
And today is followed by the departure of another student protest march.
From Belgrade to Kragujevac and from Niš to Kragujevac.
And what is it about Kragujevac that makes everyone go to that city?
There, on February 15, on the church holiday of Sretenje, in 1835, the first Serbian Constitution was adopted.
The document that today is bypassed in various ways by the ruling structures.

It is not a state of war in our country (although strong silent battles are being fought), so that such marches are inevitable.
These people have the strength and will to show their steadfastness and confirm what all students, but also the vast majority of us, support and want.

Changes in society, changes in the system, change of government, change of collective mindset, with which we need to remove a person like the president of Serbia from the our country.

I don't know what needs to happen, so that the rest of the population comes to their senses and realizes that the leader they are following is not a good leader, that he is not leading the country to prosperity but to the other extreme, poverty and hopelessness.

Dear students, just be brave, and we seniors, whose heads are still thinking correctly, support you every step of the way, and we'll see you in Kragujevac on February 15. If we can't walk, (we are old, so all of us would be a burden and slow you down), we have cars, so we can show together how many of us there are.

Can one spark be our light at the end of the tunnel?
We'll see. It is necessary that we all contribute to its splendor together.
