About Panentheism ⚛️



Image by dall-e3, kinda fun I just wrote "Panentheism" firstly and started giving images of florests with mushrooms and fairies lol.

If Albert Einstein and Elon musk view on God are said to think similarly from Spinoza, which is actually Pantheism instead and directly associated to it, and that dates way back from the term creation, It doesn't make it sound so crazy anymore, heh?! Although isn't right to credit philosophies to them, its the nearest standpoint, I'll explain the difference and a subjective understandment, because the term is so broader it can mean different things to each person, like a form of deism.

Firstly on Pantheism:

"Is the philosophical and religious belief that reality, the universe, and nature are identical to divinity or a supreme entity". Or that all (pan) is God (theos). (Taking it from wikipedia)

The reason for it is that is known by science that the universe moves in expansion, so by physics laws there was some bigger force that set everything in motion, that we can call God.

Using Newton's 1st law to justify the intelligent design of creation, a tabu term lol, and even similarly to St Thomas Aquinas proofs of God, all the debate just turns so weird after it.

I know that scientists links it to the big bang theory, but the question is that how out of entropy, that normally generates chaos, why so much order was created?

A bit out of topic, did you even know that the vatican has its own observatory, and one of their clerical astronomers that made this expansion theory of creation? So what or who are you truly believing in? Beyond, science and religion are not that dissociated through history, Giordano Bruno itself, one of the science martyrs in this ignorance, is credited as pantheistic.

I know that all the roman catholicism acts in history turned a lot of visions away from it because it just make it looks evil by using force or alienation for unilateral decisions that should be laic. I wont dive more into specific corruption of scriptures, but if this also turns into ignorance by hate in response, who wins? Like those displayed by Dawkins on theological debates, apparently now he gotta try the shrooms to disprove the Graham dude. You see, we disagree only to not agree and not even knowing why.

Anyway, all the natural, physical and cosmic laws created shows that some primal consciousness designed the universe, and stuffs that we don't know but that is known to follow some logic, like elements in the periodic table still to be discovered and that are already categorized in advanced expectation. Recently another intangible "ambipolar eletric field" uncovered, others known facts, atomic mass, quantum entanglement, light wave-particle duality, quantum electrodynamics (QED), gravity, zero-point energy, and so on...

So what does it differs from Panentheism?

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Its cause still would go into some intangible debate of what can be proved or not and what is outside of matter too that are not explained by science, like memory, consciousness, thoughts/intelligence, emotions... So Panentheism says that God exists in a plane or dimension beyond time and space.

Another point for life consciousness to exist (imo) is to contemplate/behold the creation, because what worth would have in creating all these natural amazing beautiful and curious astronomical/geological events (even a macrocosmic/microcosmic relation) if there wasn't nothing to notice it?

Every image seen is through the propagation of photons and captured by the perception and awareness of retinas where it merges with memory, thought, and emotion. Together with other senses, all the human development, discovery and experience. Sounding tautological here, with especific many confluences of conditions for life to exist, can we just stop to appreciate the sun and air for a moment?

So, subjectively, when I meant God as a primal source of creation, I meant to say its also a source that englobes all good aspects, into some esoteric hermetic perspective where everything has its counter balance, God is the side of truth, fairness, love, freedom... I won't go into the anti equivalence, like even on the gnostic Sophia tale, but how to know and weight the positive side of anything without knowing either its antithesis?

Both pantheism/panentheism terms already englobes a lot of religions/philosophies and were made reviewing them, like the Upanishads, Lao-tzu Taoism, Buddhism, Greek philosophers, Shamanism and Kabbalistic terms... God doesn't belong to any religion.

Yah know whats said, nothing is so secret that shall not be known... Few people are said to be Panentheists lol, probably a much unknown subject... Was this info useful? You better search for yourself, isn't it?! Good luck!!
