RE: Looking for feedback on the website through which my family will gift frequency devices to the world


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Congratulations, Sam! And I'm deeply honored that the rings that you made for me ended up being catalysts for the last image of that logo. I love them and I love the logo too, very simple and powerful. I'm glad that you're expanding your practice, it inspires me to finally make my own website (I've been very hesitant about it for years.) Thank you again for mentioning me here and I'd love to see what's next in your process!

Check Telegram for the address. My friend leaves for Paris on Jan. 6th, then for Venezuela on Jan. 7th.


Sure, everything flowed very naturally once i had the energy (and no pain!) to continue with your rings.

Am behind schedule on the posting of your rings but think we are still going to make it. Today is the day, not only for you but a bunch of other people, for the boxes to all make their way to the post office. The french postal system is pretty good and six days should be ample.

It was a bit of a test making the box (from the inside lining of a cat food box!) but now that i have made one the next will be simpler. I will be interested to hear if the box still seems in good condition by the time it arrives with you.

Was in two minds about the colouring on your rings as i put them in the box. The colourful bit seems to have faded a lot since creation and perhaps this is why people just end up cleaning it off? Still, you have the first set of many to come and while future rings may end up looking different, yours will always be the prototype which inspired the logo.


I'm so excited to read all of that, my friend! Can't wait to have those rings and meditate with them. Thank you wholeheartedly for the work you've put into them!
