Never a Done Deal



My life's been getting better and better for years. I've had my times of deep introspection and intense isolation that have required some important sacrifices on my part, but in general, downtimes have been short and manageable, especially in recent months. A part of me, small though it might be, began to believe that I'd just overcome the difficult emotions of my past, gaining full control over them and therefore becoming immune to the effects of events taking place around me. But the remainder of me knew the truth: self-exploration is never a done deal, it continues on and on, and often things that we've encountered and left behind return with varying degrees of strength to teach us further lessons about the nature of our existence.

Last week and the weekend were nice, I made quite a bit of progress on a novel I'm reading, helped a friend move some stuff to his apartment and got some interesting card readings which further supported messages that I've been receiving for a while regarding abundance and love. One of those messages from weeks ago told me that I should offer a crucifix I'd brought from my grandmother's house when she passed away. I wasn't doing anything with it nor was planning to, the cross was pretty big and it'd seen better days, so it was the best course of action anyway, but hadn't gotten around to it until yesterday, Mother's Day here in my country. I took it to a statue of the Virgin Mary at one of the entrances of the Ávila, the mountain north of Caracas, then came back home to do some meditations connected to my female ancestral line and my second Chakra. It was all pretty regular, a couple of interesting messages regarding the country and my role in it, but nothing really powerful until the night, when I began to experience intense anger, regarding my sisters and also some other people and situations.


I did what I always do when I find these pockets of emotion: I began doing shadow work and called upon the entire set of lower feelings, from anger itself to resentment and shame, using two Runes for the task and calling forth cleansing, the destruction of all barriers and the overcoming of all obstacles. Then I plunged into it for about an hour and a half of breathing, remembering and imagining all sorts of scenarios. By the end, I felt revitalized and rested as usual. No doubt the offering of the crucifix unblocked something within me and granted me access to these things.

Later in the night, I had an important dream where I somehow got my hands on the One Ring from the Lord of the Rings. It didn't make me invisible and had no other effects on me safe for the physical oppression of the gold band around my finger and the weight. Interestingly, I could command it even though I knew it still obeyed another will. I could enlarge or contract it with verbal prompts, and found that it was much easier to carry it when it was tight around my skin. Other people in the dream desired to carry it, but I cautioned them that the responsibility was too great and inexorable, then the dream changed. I woke up with the sense that I'd just seen an aspect of pure power and found myself up to the task of handling it without succumbing to its influence.

Yeap, this work is never finished, though it most certainly declines in difficulty and effort. There are always deeper levels of understanding, pathways inside of us that lead to other rooms filled with clutter and in need of cleansing. We turn one light on and it unveils another puzzle, but that's something that I find most exciting! Like a game with a fun progression despite the very serious implications of each stage. Self-knowledge has no end, and I'm quite grateful for that!


Rune of the Day: Gebo

Keep your eyes and ears keen as you walk, pay attention to the signs and symbols for they tell you a story of great import. Find the means to align your perspectives with your experiences, that is the way to be more fully present. Willing offerings and gifts are always useful for clearing paths and easing up relationships, consider this during challenging times. Use and exhibit your talents, knowledge and wisdom are best demonstrated through practical application. One single knotted point in the weave may undo the entire cloth, some nodes must be unmade and remade for the structure to work properly, take some time to do a conscious review, fix flaws, correct issues in the plan and cleanse the workflows, this should prevent inconveniences further along the road.


interesting story greetings
pay attention to signs and symbols learn to hear that inner voice that sometimes has the answers to many things take a while to do a conscious review, it is necessary and not to expect an important fact to change everything unexpectedly
take actions
