Lenses and Choices
What is Truth? My understanding of this concept has changed over the years, particularly after I began exploring mysticism. I don't often speak of it or even use the word in common conversation anymore. When I was younger, I had all of these opinions about things, visions of what was right, good, correct, beautiful, real, effective, decent and the like. In contrast, I also had a bunch of ideas about what was unpleasant, wrong, poor, bad, ugly, false, clunky, etc. There was a time people who knew me called me a "hater" with some good reason. It's no longer how I see the world, old acquaintances would probably find my new attitude peculiar and kind of boring, I guess.
Most of the people I talk to regularly now don't have any background on me, which is refreshing. The majority of people are fairly open with their beliefs even if they don't always realize it, but I've learned to keep mine to myself unless expressly asked about them. I've found that it makes connections easier, people in general don't really want to know what others think unless it supports their own thinking. I can effortlessly listen to anyone without issuing any responses, no matter how strange a person's ideas might be. For instance, I know that "truth" is mutable, it changes slightly or drastically between individuals, each human sees the world through a lens that may or may not resemble the lenses of others around them; their glasses may share tints but vary in scale and scope, some may be partly damaged or dirty. Moreover, what a person says isn't necessarily a faithful reflection of what they think or feel, so in most cases there's no point in either agreeing or disagreeing with their purported points of view, they might not even be sincere.
This attitude has given be great peace and freedom, I wasn't aware of how much energy and time I wasted just arguing with others or holding on to perspectives. At this moment, I prefer to be fluid. Each person and each social circle have different backgrounds, work differently, respond to different incentives and rules. I can always choose to adapt or to move on, but I never invest too much energy on outwardly maintaining a stance, an image of myself or a position. I've met very few people willing to change their views or open to honest debate. As for my private views, I can keep them or change them with ease in silence. The only Truth that I never question has no name or color, shape or sound. It has to do with consciousness and the nature of existence itself. The rest are phenomena, impermanent states of matter, space and time.
I love living this life with all its variations. I love people with all their complexities. That's true for me and it makes these posts, me spiritual service, my social interactions, my mediations and emotions worthwhile. I hope that my content and the aura that I spread wherever I go is enough to promote that sense of worthiness around me and that, by my example, others may find a bit more freedom and joy themselves in their own unique ways, through their own unique lenses, by their own unique choices.
Rune of the day: Othala inverted
The moment is not auspicious for formalizing unions or signing contracts of any kind, there are yet matters to discuss and details to refine. Delays in legal operations, especially in purchases, sales and transfers of properties and inheritances; be patient and read the fine print, the conditions may not be as clear as you assumed. Unleash yourself from burdensome engagements, untie the ropes that hold you back, you have your own choices and your main obligation is to yourself; similarly, refrain from binding others to your standards and traditions, counsel them to walk their own path. Exercise keen observation, those who try to buy others with relics and artifacts see them only as products, and you may be as prone to that as anyone around you.
It isn't just about agreeing with them either - it can also be to support their expectations of the way they see a person too. "that kind of person thinks this way"
I was going to pick out that sentence as so very true, and your addition is likewise XD
Yeah, that's why I often find it better to just smile and keep quiet, hahaha.
That attitude you described sounds pretty much like late teens/early 20s, I remember going through that phase XD and currently eldest is going through it aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh x_x
Yeah! That was exactly the age. Good luck with your child, I can't imagine how it must be like to deal with someone going through that as a parent.
Painful. Especially when they are very definitely smart enough to know better but don't have the life experience to actually know better, and you can't tell them anything because you're old and the world that you grew up in is somehow totally and completely different to the one they're growing up in now therefore absolutely everything you know is totally and completely irrelevant and they know better than you ever will XD
Thanks for the luck, probably need it, got two more to go after this one aaahhh XD
Ahhh yes, I remember when I too thought that I knew better than anyone older than me, hahahaha. Fortunately, the thrill of "being right" passed soon enough for me to wise up. May your kids learn that lesson even faster than I did!