Amidst Shadows, I Choose Trust
"It would seem that the bad guys always get their way and never have to pay." My eldest sister says variations of these phrase at least once a month, one of those cases was yesterday, while she was talking about the woman who's been the head of the buildings' condo board these past two years, despite her incompetence, the opacity of her behavior and the fact that she's retained the post illegally. She was also referring to a situation where a renowned historian here in the country was honored by an university even though he's been accused of helping a relative of his, a sexual offender responsible for the kidnapping, years-long abuse and disfigurement of a human rights activist who's only alive because she managed to escape captivity. The woman was working for the human rights department of that very same university and resigned in protest. She's disappointed that other human rights activists failed to support her.
I typically don't comment on these things, not because I don't care, but because my approach to these topics has changed considerably over the years due to my work. I can identify the wrongdoing and I would never condone it; I can empathize with the victims and others affected by such behaviors; I don't, however, get upset as I used to, in the awareness that I help nobody with my indignation and also, that everything in this world, even the most terrible catastrophes and heinous crimes, happens for a reason. I also don't agree with my sister about the "bad guys" getting their way. Criminals are always prisoners of their transgressions even if they dodge judicial charges or prison sentences for the entirety of their lives. Human justice is deeply flawed, authorities are often corrupt, money bends the laws all the time. Universal Justice, on the other hand, is inescapable and precise.
My personal process has had a lot to do with understanding tyrants and abusers, exploring the darkness that they represent, their violence and its effects. It's been a seriously demanding task that has put me face to face with horrifying aspects of the human condition. The only way I could make it easier on myself was through the acceptance of the role that they play in the grand scheme, that's how I freed myself from the burden of hating, despising and resenting them, especially the guys who mismanaged my country into a massive shipwreck. I did this by realizing a simple but forgettable fact: although their actions may be twisted, ignorant and atrocious, they're human beings like me or anyone else. People who succumbed to their basest urges and are trapped by them, even if they live in ill-gotten luxury and can travel around at will. I've known many individuals who would fall just as low or perhaps even further if they'd faced the same temptations or has the same experiences throughout their lives; individuals who call themselves good, to think of themselves as righteous and humble.
My sister's comment and others of a similar nature that she makes from time to time, are her way of processing her own trauma about what happened and in many ways continues to happen in Venezuela, a reality that she has to be in touch with constantly because she's the one in the building's condo chat and also works with human rights both nationally and internationally. When she asks for my opinion, I tell her that, in spite of what we might see on the surface, these stories are the expression of profound healing for us, because they used to be hidden behind all sorts of masks and now, the hypocrisy, the convenience, the backdoor deals and the traffic of influences, the offenses and injuries that have plagued our species and our planet for millennia can no longer be concealed, meaning that their power is declining, slowly perhaps, but steadily. We're witnessing governments, corporations and all sorts of institutions showing their true colors, their masks and disguises crumbling in tatters to unveil wounds that must be closed. Of course, my sister isn't convinced, her pain is too strong to accept this, and it's not my place nor my wish to persuade her of that, I can only offer my perspectives.
There's no doubt in my mind that the woman who's been usurping the condo board here will have to face direct consequences for her actions, that her continued presence and influence aren't signs of strength but of a weakening exposure that she'll come to regret soon enough. The same goes for the regime still technically in power in Venezuela, the historian whose protection enabled that monster to torture that poor woman for years and everyone else who holds a position of visibility while committing all sorts of violations against nature, law and humanity in increasingly public ways. I'm not concerned about justice or reparations to the victims, I know in my heart that everyone gets exactly what they're due in their appropriate time. I trust the Universe. And if I can provide solace with my voice and service, I shall. If not, then I feel silence and patient observation are much better choices than stress, anger and cynical despondency.
Without turning my eyes from ugliness or ignoring pain, I choose beauty at every turn. Without condoning lies, I choose to embrace truth. That's my freedom and it's what I always want to share with others wherever I am.
Rune of the Day: Hagalaz
Climatic difficulties and adverse circumstances force you to make drastic decisions or completely cancel plans that you have been preparing for a long time. Frustration may be tremendous, but remember, not even apparent accidents are casual, everything has a purpose and conceals a benefit. Mourning, disease and conflict; personal or material losses affect the progress and demand a change of attitude. Structures of power considered firm reveal an intimate vulnerability that shakes them and initiates a process of collapse, releasing great amounts of contained energy. Find in your heart the courage to hold on, breathe deeply to recover calm, trust your own capacities and the sincerity of your company, formal authorities may not be up to the challenge and even contribute to it.
Such a powerful post my friend. I'm sorry I have been so absent and missed so many of your posts.
I resonate a lot with what you are saying.
I feel it's a waste of my energy, to get upset, or to carry resentment or anger. It's really about how you would like to live your life. And I don't want to fight.
That's so beautiful and that's what I'm trying to do as well 🌸
Thank you so much! No need to apologize, I know you've been quite busy!
I used to care so much about these things, and now I don't even give them a second thought. My energy's too precious for that. Ugliness and negativity aren't the norm in this world, they're just noisier and make more headlines. The vast majority of our experience is neutral going to beautiful, so that's what I want to sustain. Blessings, dear!