Too Sweet : #16
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 and want your chance at the 350 HBD prize - Scroll to the bottom to get all the help you need to catch up!
Too Sweet
The most conspiratorial of the Carrots had been spying everything all along, and was busy applying this information, making predictions based on his suspicions. He needed to get his precious thoughts to Amani before it was too late - but how?
The sun was setting and the conversation was drawing to a quiet in the carrot patch. Curran slipped into his spot in the Garden getting cozy. Cenoria and Cairéad whispered back and forth before tucking into their spots also.
“Cenny, great job this week. You really have built up a nice bit of info on all the Garden - especially the Pepper girls.”
Cenoria smiled and snuggled her roots into her bed. “Yeah, you know it actually stopped becoming about the info and the food stand, and I don’t know…” she paused. “I really like them. I’ve always wanted sisters.”
“Wow. Well, I can put a dress on if it helps?” Cairéad teased.
His sister giggled. “I think that might not exactly be what I meant. I love my brothers, but you know - I think I’m just gaining more siblings. Does that make sense?”
“Sure, Cen. I was just kidding. I’ve actually been getting along with the Blackberries really well too. Well, the brothers. I can’t figure out a way to reach Kupina. He’s a mean dude.”
“He really is super angry. B’zar isn’t much better though. I do wish we could figure out a way to bring them back into the Garden, but, I guess it’s really up to them to see if there is something worthwhile for them.”
“BOING!” Azen jumped up from his bed, springing his roots out of the dirt, and causing his eyes to jiggle and wiggle.
All three carrots shook in shock. It had been so quiet that they thought Azen was sound asleep but they should have known better. He was always listening!
“What the heck, Azen!” Cenoria chastised him. “What does BOING mean!”
“Oh, I think I meant BINGO! Same letters, you see! But, I gotta go!” Fast as lightning, Azen zipped out of the carrot patch and ran off into the distance again.
“Did he just?”
“Should we?”
“NOPE.” Curran stated. “Not today, not tonight, not right now. Azen can take care of himself and I’m sure he will be just fine.”
The carrots nodded, and turned into their soil, settled for the night.
Azen however, was not settled, and ran straight for the farmhouse with his trusty carrot notepad. Scribbling all his notes onto a paper, he slipped his clues into the tea box for Amani to find. Thank God he knew she loved her daily cups of tea!
The next afternoon, Amani sat her cousin down to sample some of the new fruits from the Garden! A sampling of fruits from 5 hybrid families were on the beautiful tray, displayed as completely new treasures - never been seen before by the world!
“Taste! Taste!!! Have you ever tasted anything like these, Layla?”
Layla popped one after the other into her mouth, her eyes lighting up! “Amani! These are amazing -but…”
“But?” Amani arched her eyebrow.
“Don’t you think they are … almost TOO sweet?”
“Layla, I was actually thinking the same thing! I’m glad you confirmed it. I love these flavors but everything needs a little balance!” She got up to turn the kettle on. “Let me get us some tea!”

Amani opened the teabox to choose a flavored herbal tea for her cousin and saw a bright orange note with her name scribbled onto it. Reading it quickly her eyes lit up! “ Yes!!! Yes - this is it!!!! This is exactly what we mean!!”
Layla was confused. “What is?”
Amani laid down the note and started explaining - “Well, it’s like you said! It’s kinda like grandma’s cookies. Sweet cookies - BUT - that extra sprinkle of salt balances the flavor! Or Aunt Jan’s zucchini - It’s the perfect mixture of savory and sour. It’s like I’ve been focusing on the best of the best - and all the little odd plants - I’ve not been pushing closer to the rest. But… what if I make sure those different plants get closer to these sweets - and form a new, balanced taste sensation altogether? The spicy and the bold and the sour and..”
“Yes! I see where you’re going with this!” Layla interrupted. “ I think you’re actually onto something Amani!!! You’ve got the hybrids that are already amazingly sweet flavors - now bring in something unexpected, and I think you just might have your farm-saving miracle!”
“I agree! Oh Layla!! Can you believe it??? It’s actually happening!” She laid out the five new hybrids of family fruit that she spied in the Garden and asked, “So… which one is your favorite so far?”
“They’re all REALLY good, Amani! So different! But with the right balance - they will be PERFECT!” She picked up each of the new hybrids and rolled them in her hands, inspecting all their strange new shapes and traits. “But.. if I had to guess ONE that was going to be the winner? It’s THAT hybrid right there.” She pointed to one in particular. “But, not as it is now. I think it’s needing that extra something! What? I’m not sure!”
Amani looked at the tray of new fruits and veggies, so proud of how her Garden was transforming! “Well, I guess we will see what the Garden comes up with next!”
Posts of Season 2
If you are just finding out about DreeMerge Season 2 - Here is all you need to catch up! To collect your cards - be sure to do your daily curation tasks on DreemPort and if you need to ask questions live - head over to our DreemPort discord. The prize to solve the mystery FIRST is 350 HBD - go it alone, or form a tEEM and split the winnings amongst yourselves. Clues can be found in the storyline to guide your journey! Good luck!

Thanks to @shadowspub, @penderis, @bluefinstudios, @kemmyb, @wesphilbin, @melinda010100, @samsmith1971, @silversaver888, @lizelle, @kenechukwu97, @jacoalberts, @acgalarza, @blackdaisyft, @balikis95, @alessandrawhite, and @dreemsteem for making the @dreemport voting power go farther! ❤️

Cover image created for DreeMerge2 with Midjourney
Let me just go back to the drawing board and try again to locate the missing puzzle piece 🥹.
Now I’m wondering how she got those 5 hybrids, hmm. Could it be possible that some families would do more than others or what? 🤔
Well, I’m happy to know there might be hope for those misfits I hope they get to be part of the reason the garden flourishes in the end 🥹.
Now that I have that light bulb moment in my head, my cards have squashed 😭😭.
I need more.
That’s my girl!
Everything finally coming together
I love this!🥰
Amazing season so far
Oh My! 5 hybrids! Hmmmm the winning card is here but it still needs some extra. What could it be? I need to go back to my board 😂😂😂
Always a #dreemerforlife
Hmmm, any wrong merge will lead to a squash so all need to be careful hehehe.
OH MY GOD!!! Wowowowowowo!!! So close so close and yet so many mistakes to be made. Not unlimited mistakes sure, but every mistake means 4 more combinations and luck hardly is favoring the brave so what to do to do to do. Need coffee to stabilize or will it excite maybe stick to tea so close i can taste it but @abenad will steal it all. Ok I need to be calm and let @hivenvy @nanixxx and @jesus-son bring it home before I squash it all :P
I love that gif🤣🤣🤣
I just hope we get things right
Too much squash is causing a lot of damages
no worries. We can be trend blazers for the path less travelled :D
Ahan! Interesting again
It seems it is getting to a close but ita a pity too much squash has affected the operations
O God let me just win this money so that I can use it and go and marry, hahaha
5 hybrid beautiful families, this is getting close...God abeg oo