G.C. Day 41: Cannabinol(CBN) extraction and nut crackers
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Who told you the Hive Blockchain was family friendly?
No kids in the pool!
Adults only!
It's a warzone out here.
Welcome to Hive.
Welcome to my ship
Today is Monday, Nov|ember 4th, 2024.
Last Sunday I went cruising and relieved my stresses.
Need I say more?
Nature is grand.
Took us 2 hours to get there. Spent the whole day almost near the river. Complete dead zone. Surrounded by mountains, the sounds of birds and the stream was so chilling I fell asleep under the sun there.
Remember the movie Limitless, After he gained his super intellect, what was the first thing he did?
He went home and cleaned everything.
A clean home is a happy dome. I hate having to try to write only to be constantly thinking about the dishes too, or sweeping the floor, getting dinner ready and breakfast prepped for tomorrow morning. I just much rather keep my peace and do those things first. Being productive in the home. I do it for me. For my sanity.
How can you help others if you don't help yourself first?
Like your mind is your body shall behave, how you behave will in turn shape your mind. It take strong will to guide your own way.
I know I am not perfect. I know that we are all doing our best. I know that being in a crab bucket will mean pulling others down with you, but if all the crab were to gain more conscientiousness? Would they work together to climb out of the bucket?
What's beyond the bucket?
If that is the scenario then we're at the whims of whatever is pouring in food.
But if the bucket is still an ocean, to the crabs inside, then things are looking good.
Where do you think Hive is at now?
Anyways that's not what I want to talk about today.
That was the warm up.
Growing Cannabis Day 41
Winter season is very close now. Here in central America south of Rio Grande we have now faced the first few days of a cold front. And it's not over yet.
The ground isn't evaporating it's water as fast and the surface tends to stay more humid longer.
Which means less water needed for the plants.
But due to the cold I started collecting the driest parts of the tall grass I have to lay over the cannabis plants.
I have 3 canna-bushes and 2 others growing individually, all outside grow. I do have an indoor grow room but it needs to be refurbished, painting, new drywall, new lights etc. A stalled project unfortunately.
The plants I have now are,
I would say, about 5-7 cm tall at most at day 41. I blame the cold, but I don't want to forestall their lives either. So I will let them grow. I am however going to start again with 2 or 3 more for this month but to have around inside the house with no care how fast it grows.
The interior of my home is lacking some natural air filters.
Look at the ground. I watered it 2 days ago.
In the last GC episode I said I would provide a Cannabinol extract method.
Using Presearch I searched Best CBN extraction method and these are the first 4 results.
Here is the first one of the four. You can go over each other one if you like. They each hold a piece to the greater picture. The first on the list caught my eye and answered most of questions.
Luna Tech Equipment Blog
Note: Industrial equipment needed for this method for best quality extraction. Comprehensive guide inside the link.
Right of the bat it is telling about complex extraction methods and use of various chemicals. How complex could it be? Will these "chemicals" harm me in the long run?
Ok so which chemicals are we playing with here? What best plant do we need? I don't have a lot on the budget so I will have to improvise most of it. And doing so, I doubt I will get most of the CBN.
Cannabinol extraction requires starting with plant material naturally high in CBNA, the acidic precursor to CBN.
What does this mean?
We know CBN comes from the decomposition of THC.
What do they mean by the decomposition? We mean that plants high in THC but towards the end of the flowering stage? No. How do I know this?
I'm thinking this is because the acids attached to the chemicals CBNa, THCa, CBDa, and probably most acids found, are removed during the drying process. In other words, don't cut down your sativa high in the plants down. Let's read on to see if I am correct with this.
What's the problem with this is that CBD starts to also form if left too long aging before harvesting. So maybe a hybrid would work but I would stick with pure sativa strains and early harvest when THC is at its Max. But I could be wrong.
(Correct me if I am please.)
Or at the least harvest the sativa mid course during flowering stage.
And bam, look at this:
Cannabinol extraction processes are similar to extraction processes of other cannabinoids like THC and CBD.
This is already easy to do.
Complex? Lol!
And it goes on to list those methods and I don't like any of them except 1 that is not mentioned. Let me check again. Yup, doesn't say it.
Equipment needed according to this LTC blog post:
I don't have the cash for this so improvise I must.
Chiller? Say hello to blocks of dried ice and my fridge. (Reminder to self: get ice cream fridge)
Extraction system? All I need is a pipe. More details on that in a different post. Infact, I'll show you when I get there to do it. It's more than just a pipe.
Chemicals? Say hello to Liquid Nitrogen. (Note to self: Get ya a liquid nitrogen tank. Small one will do. And easier to acquire than you think.)
Liquid nitrogen is the best extraction method to use IMO, when making wax. Otherwise, oil is my next favorite. But not just any oil either.
The extractor? Say hello to my pressure pot some tubing and my air pressure pump on reverse. Ah but we won't need that because with liquid nitrogen, it's not necessary. Of it was with ethenol or bioethanol or butane, it would be a different story. All of which I have tried in the past to make wax.
Distillery? Nope! Can't do that.
Well the entire time my hopes for achieving high levels of CBN has been kicked in the gonads plenty.
First I need higher than average CBN levels in the plant itself. What's the average amount? 1% at most. And even still, the extraction methods without the above equipment from what Luna Tech mentioned, CBN extraction is looking bleak unless you industrialize it. Why? Because CBN is left behind during the extract and we need A LOT of weed.
Fuck me running I do need the extractoririonator.
Well it looks like I will be going with the regular CBN extract method I had planned beforehand. Using Liquid nitrogen. I still want the fridge to store it. Going to need special containers to not get frost bite on my extracts too.
That fridge will have to wait though either way.
I think I said enough for now. I can get winded once I get going. Which is rare for me in person. I'm usually the quiet one.
Time for to end this post and smoke this bud I just got. I think it's regular but it's better than not having any.
The most vivid and most powerful dream your mind ever concocted to exist for you is the one your living in right now.
Donate liquid HIVE & or Liquid HBD here..
Your dreams are only just beginning when you wake up.
It's ok. Didn't get me high which is what I don't want, but it did alleviate my lower back. Now off to do some therapeutic exercises for my back.

¡En @team-mexico estamos agradecidos que formes parte de nosotros!
Contenido votado con cariño. ❤️
How can you help others if you don't help yourself first?
The perfect response for when people ask why I smoke weed at 6am..
4am bowls for me.
Fumas por qué te gusta ❤️ yo fumo cigarrillos.
No me gusto los cigarillos..
A mí,no me gusta la marihuana 😂