G.C. Day #35
I know I haven't posted in a while. Sue me.
Welcome to my post this is Growing cannabis day 35. I am your host @dreamtales.
A fair warning before we continue, my posts are being downvoted by themarkymark and buildawhale accounts on the 6th payout date for "muh reason"(I don't know why to be honest, I haven't committed any abuse on the chain. I guess he doesn't like my thinking.), which are the same person IRL. Due to this, and I haven't quite decided yet, post rewards will either be set to @commentrewarder or burned at 100% to not affect my reputation and remain visible. I ask that if you want to reward me personally, don't vote for this post. But instead, consider depositing liquid HIVE or HBD to my account.
Update on the cannabush under my huisache tree:
She’s holding strong, despite one of my catzillahs nearly destroying it using it as a resting place. Some were killed, but it was bound to happen. That was a lot of seeds in one area. Their root will be one with the rest. Win-win. Hmm
We rejoice.
My melons have been dug up as well and turned into a toilet. All of them. Who needs melons anyway...
I have a couple more cannabis plants that have sprouted. It’s late in the season, and I can tell their growth is shocked right now. (Thank you Grammarly, you're useful sometimes.)
Let's search, what causes cannabis to have their growth stunted early on. (tip: don't struggle. Right-click> copy link text.)
The question: Has anyone ever had cannabis seeds sprout super late, about, let's say, 5 months after watering down a certain area during the time as you are supposed to?
I may start planting some new seeds again. This time, though, I'll do the process as it should be.
Here's another weed bush,
And another.
There are two more late bloomers here.:
"Why don't you cut that grass?"
Why should I? They help keep the humidity and help absorb the heat. Sure, I need to add more water, but that's ok. Besides I have other reasons too when I discover them. Or maybe I might get my mind changed. We'll see.
"Wtf did you do at the farm anyways, fuck chickens?"
I attended to horses mostly. Cleaned their stables, fixed everything, and kept them in top shape and ready for any occasion. I attended to them when they were hurt. I did what I could and learned a great deal there. That work was satisfying. I wouldn't mind having 1 or 2 horses of my own. One day ;)
Question for the expert growers out there:
I have this organic concentrate of phosphorus, calcium, and other goodies in one. It looks like this:
I know how much to add, sorta, but I don't know when is the best time to add it. Or if adding a tiny bit now would help it grow.
I don’t have tools to check pH levels or anything like that. Just by observing, the plant will indicate its needs through changes in its color.
"How do you know that?"
I read it somewhere dickwad. Research it yourself.
I figured ("Yeah? You figured eh?") I was told it would be best to apply just before the flowering stage or just when the flowering stage appears, but will it help it grow in its first vegetative state?
That's what I am wondering, or should I just let it be for now?
Because I am such a noob at this I embark on the quest to learn more about cannabis.
I was under the impression that indica, the CBD itself, is what causes drowsiness.
I don't believe that statutes have jurisdiction to dictate the lives of others, under penalty of force, to those who can govern themselves. Anyone, for that matter.
They laugh at our expense when they create their heinous crimes, and get away with it most of the time. I find it to be impossible unless there is a "Corpus Delicti," then there is a crime. Anything else can be settled under civil dispute.
But for safety reasons and not because of what a statute, city code, or constitution may say, don't consume CBN into your system or in any other way, ie. Smoking Old weed before operating a motor vehicle or heavy machinery. Be responsible. Not stupid. Remember Gump.
Speaking of which, did you order fresh weed and get sleepy? Something to think about. What will you do?
But shocker, It's not.
It's this little thing called CBN. Not to be confused with CBB or CBD.
Don't worry, the 3 letters will turn to 4 eventually. Be prepared.
How is CBN made?
From the decomposition of THC. Aha! So, aged sativa plants
that have had higher THC levels will more likely cause you to get that boost of drowsiness. Completely the opposite effect of THC.
Throw that old shit away!
No don't that! Wait and see why.
I've had people try to explain to me that it was THC itself acting like a sugar crash after the high but Nope! It's CBN. It's another cannabinoid. Wait I already said that.
Here's a screenshot from the link above from Leafly
How they extract just only CBN is a mystery to me, but it is highly interesting nonetheless. More the reason to keep growing more and more worldwide.
How to extract CBN from cannabis
Well, judging from what we just read, we know that we need to age our weed.
Now do we harvest them sooner or later? Uhm... Good question.
We want THC to decompose because this gives us CBN. Harvesting later than sooner will mean less THC and more CBD meaning less CBN extract. So by this logic, we would want to harvest sooner rather than later. If a higher CBN extract is what we are shooting for.
However, there are many other cannabinoids and it's nearly impossible for me to isolate it entirely, to be just CBN. Maybe under a lab. But that's out of my reach. Maybe I can purchase it instead online. We'll see.
Remember CBN stands for "Cannabinol" and not the Christian broadcasting network.
What CBN may also be good for (because "little study has been made" not much is known about CBN effects on the human body) according to Leafly:
- Appetite stimulation
- Neuroprotectants
- Antibacterial
- Glaucoma causes inflammation and
- Anti Inflammatory woohoo
We need to amp up this research more.
Psychonauts assemble!
Where are they? They're always late.
The last one on that list interests me the most.
After a long day of being on your feet and working those arms, anti-inflammation is prime. Maybe I can turn this concentration into una pomada. Add some mint and stuff. You'll see it in the future. I have to get enough sativa buds accumulated first.
I don't suffer from insomnia anymore, or at least I haven't in over a decade, so I am kinda iffy about it either way. I don't want to be in a sleepy mood during the day.
Well, at least now we know to avoid smoking old sativa weed in the morning. Unless that's what you are looking for, then "smoke 'em if you got 'em".
Wait you didn't say how to extract it!?
Blimey. Edit #2
Linked at the header of this section, are instructions to what we are looking for. CBN oil. Sounds delish.
According to the Botany Farms blog,
Low-quality weed pressed and stored together, along with traditionally produced hashish, has high quantities of CBN.
Guess your shity Reggie's weed is good for something after all. Never judge a book by it's cover but judge a man based on his blunt. He may have glaucoma , be nice. Don't be hostile. What's the matter with you?
Luckily for me, I have some already growing in the back. Already ahead of the game!
Maybe if I can get Mark to back off, I'll keep commentrewarder at 100 indefinitely. You try talking some sense to him. He has me blacklisted for dissenting opinions. Maybe. How can we settle this if he won't talk it out? Seems childish behavior to me. Let's do better.
I'll stay away from your AMA posts.
Or maybe You can't really ask him anything apparently. Well, you CAN but I will not since it requires some penalty. Maybe that's the reason. Just speculations.
Cheers again.
The most vivid and most powerful dream your mind ever concocted to exist for you is the one your living in right now.
Donate liquid HIVE & or Liquid HBD here..
Your dreams are only just beginning when you wake up.
in a few months i know that those plants will be bigger :D
You must be the time wizard. What else will happen in a few months? Do I need to shower for the occasion?
time wizards are cool
I would not worry much about PH since they’re in the ground. And as far as nutes go definitely don’t add any at this stage, wait until they are more mature. Cannabis will let you know what it needs.
Thank you for sharing. I'll look up that chart with more details. The letters are blurry from my end.
@dreamtales, you're rewarding 3 replies from this discussion thread.