Film Review: Premonition (2007)


Sandra Bullock is widely regarded as one of the most affable screen personalities in the history of Hollywood. This charm has served her well throughout her career, particularly in comedies, where her ability to elevate even the most mediocre scripts is well-documented. However, her forays into more serious roles have often yielded mixed results, and the 2007 supernatural thriller Premonition, directed by Mennan Yapo, stands as a notable example of this trend.

In Premonition, Bullock portrays Linda Hanson, a suburban housewife leading what appears to be an idyllic life with her loving husband Jim (played by Julian McMahon), and their two daughters, Bridgette (played by Courtney Taylor Burness) and Megan (played by .Shyann McClure). This seemingly perfect existence is shattered when Linda receives the devastating news of Jim's death in a traffic accident. The following day, however, Linda awakens to find Jim alive and well, and the normalcy of her life restored. Yet, as the days progress, she experiences a disorienting cycle of waking up to find her family mourning Jim's death, only to revert to a day when he is alive. This peculiar phenomenon leads Linda to the realisation that she is somehow travelling through time, reliving the days leading up to her husband's death, and she becomes determined to uncover the clues that might prevent the impending tragedy.

The premise of Premonition is undeniably intriguing, suggesting a complex exploration of time and fate. However, the script by Bill Kelly, who is perhaps best known for the 1999 comedy Blast from the Past, lacks originality and depth. Instead of crafting a unique narrative, Kelly borrows heavily from the motifs and themes of superior films, such as M. Night Shyamalan’s mind-bending thrillers, Groundhog Day, Memento, and even The Lake House, a romantic time-travel drama released a year later featuring Bullock alongside Keanu Reeves. This reliance on established concepts detracts from the film's potential, leaving it feeling derivative and uninspired.

While the film begins with promise, it quickly becomes apparent that Kelly struggles to fully realise his central idea. To maintain audience engagement, he resorts to an overabundance of red herrings and melodrama, which at times makes Premonition feel like an unintentional self-parody. Linda, as the protagonist, often appears passive and bewildered, and despite the film's intricate narrative structure involving multiple timelines, most viewers are likely to grasp the unfolding mystery long before she does.

One of the most significant shortcomings of Premonition lies in Kelly's attempt to provide a "neat" explanation for Linda's experiences. The film resorts to a religious framework, invoking Catholicism as a means of diagnosing Linda's plight. Through the character of Father Kennedy, played by Jude Ciccolella, the narrative suggests that Linda's struggles stem from a lack of faith. This implicit critique of atheism did not resonate well with many critics, particularly those with left-leaning perspectives, who perceived Premonition as reactionary. The film's promotion of traditional family values and its portrayal of Linda's character as embodying an anti-feminist lifestyle further alienated some of them.

Despite the critical backlash, Premonition achieved a degree of commercial success at the box office, largely due to Bullock's star power. However, it has since faded into the background of her filmography, often regarded as one of her more forgettable projects. While Bullock's career continued to flourish, director Mennan Yapo did not enjoy the same fortune; Premonition remains his only feature film to date.

RATING: 3/10 (+)

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I remember seeing it. But as reviews go, it seems to take some ideas from other productions in order to justify its existence. It's funny, but it's not a top film. Regards @drax
