Flying heads on the king's guillotine - Cuphead ☕

Welcome once again to another of my adventures in Cuphead, the truth is that I had a long time without updating anything about this progress so today having some free time I decided to spend one more level in the king's castle where there are some chess pieces that have been revealed, and therefore I must stop them to receive a few coins as a reward. And for this occasion I have faced the king's tower, which seems to be deeply in love with a guillotine, well now you'll see what I mean😉. ![]() ![]() The first thing I saw when I entered the castle was a giant chess piece, which is the rook, however, he had an executioner's hood, and it all makes sense when we see that he was thinking about a guillotine which he is in love with xd. (This all got a bit murky from one moment to the next). ![]() All of a sudden the fighting started, and I didn't understand anything because he began to throw balls of a ruby color, however, I quickly understood that these were actually heads of possible victims decapitated by the king's orders, which is even more disturbing. ![]() But after jumping and understanding the mechanics in this level, I used all the pink heads to my advantage, as I pushed them with a double jump to inflict damage to the tower. ![]() ![]() From one moment to the next the pace of my opponent's attacks advanced, so I had to be agile and watch out for the sparks thrown by the weapon sharpening tool. ![]() Without a doubt, I managed to get almost all the lives to the end, however, I lost most of them and I was left with only one, because the speed of attacks was too much and with a coup de grace I managed to finish my job. ![]() My favorite king's reward was already on its way, however, it is few coins, but these I will spend in the store very soon in another publication. ![]() ![]() I loved the concept of this level, because the tower, which is my enemy, has a very interesting connection with the guillotine, and the creators knew how to use all these resources to make this level interesting and little stressful to tell the truth... Leave a comment!Requirements to play: Operating System: Windows 7 ▶️ 3Speak |
¿Este enemigo los has matado ya varias veces o es la primera vez? Pues te vi muy suelto en la batalla
Hola. No, en realidad es la primera vez que lo derroto, sin embargo, tuve que hacer muchos intentos para lograrlo hasta el punto de que ya sabía cada movimiento a hacer jajaja, la verdad me tomó alrededor de media hora tratando de aprender y dominar el patrón de movimiento de mi enemigo.
I have seen that this video game is very complicated, especially because you have to be very precise to perform some movements.
Indeed, you're absolutely right, sometimes in just one level it takes me thirty or forty minutes to understand each power or attack of my enemy, it's complicated, but I swear it's very pleasant when you manage to defeat the boss of the level hahaha.
And every move or misstep costs a life, which generates even more stress and makes you lose confidence in the middle of a fight.
It was a tough one, especially when you have those parks. Dodging each of them with keeping the heads in mind and managing to still hit him. You made it look easier. How many tries did it take you?
I lost count of the attempts, but it took me almost half an hour to pass the level, no doubt I make it look easy, but is that playing it so much you develop a sense of being able to see in several directions with the corner of my eye, so I managed to dodge the various attacks of the enemy; however, in the end I ended up losing almost all my lives and with a stroke of luck I managed to defeat him, thanks, friend for stopping by to see and comment.
I love this game haha, it's extremely fun
It's very fun and it doesn't get boring, because it always brings something new with each level; however, something that is also true is that the difficulty is immense hahaha.