The arrival of my baby Emma's 6 months-La llegada de los 6 meses de mi bebe Emma
La llegada de los 6 meses de mi bebe Emma
The arrival of my baby Emma's 6 months
Las Vacunas:
Mi experiencia con cada vacuna ha sido dificil, dificil el dolor que ella siente y dificil aquellas que le producen fiebre.
Emma el dia de su graduación tenia mucho sueño y costo tomarse la foto de grado, ademas que luego de ella la vacunaron en la pierna y no paro de llorar por algunos minutos.
el 25 de este mes le toca la vacuna que da fiebre y les confieso que me aterra, la pasada le costo bajarle la fiebre, en 39º y no bajaba ni con paños, solo le pido a Dios que esta vez no tenga una fiebre tan alta.
My experience with each vaccine has been difficult, the pain she feels is difficult and those that cause fever are difficult.
Emma was very sleepy on her graduation day and it was difficult to take her graduation photo, and afterward she had her leg vaccinated and she couldn't stop crying for a few minutes.
On the 25th of this month he gets the vaccine that causes fever and I confess that it terrifies me, last time it was difficult for him to lower his fever, at 39º and it didn't go down even with cloths, I just ask God that this time he doesn't have such a high fever .
Emma comenzo a reconocer sonidos, a tener sus sonidos y juegos favoritos, a mantenerse voca abajo y a colocarse en posicion de gateo.
Sentarse para emma lo esta logrando sostenida de algo para jugar. El tema de jugar es muy delicado, los juguetes en el piso, juguetes q se caen.. afortunadamente no tenemos mascotas pero siempre hay insectos de los cuales cuidar la superficie de los juguetes porque todo se lo meten en la boca.
Emma began to recognize sounds, play her favorite sounds and games, stay face down, and get into a crawling position.
Sitting down for Emma is achieving it supported by something to play. The topic of playing is very delicate, toys on the floor, toys that fall... fortunately we don't have pets but there are always insects to take care of on the surface of the toys because they put everything in their mouths.
Pasar de leche a solidos tampoco es facil, la primera vez solo consumio 4 cucharaditas, aun no le doy entero, le doy papillas para que vaya habituandose.
La crema de auyama le gusta mucho y para que comiera caraotas tuve que intentarlo 3 veces... gracias a Dios las acepto totalmente libre de sal. En su dieta no consume azucar refinada ni sal, la pediatra dice que no es necesario y que ahora la leche materna seria un complemento.
Going from milk to solids is not easy either, the first time he only consumed 4 teaspoons, I still don't give him whole milk, I give him baby food so he can get used to it.
He really likes pumpkin cream and to get him to eat beans I had to try it 3 times... thank God I accept them completely salt-free. He does not consume refined sugar or salt in his diet, the pediatrician says that it is not necessary and that now breast milk would be a complement.
Es una etapa muy linda y se que disfrutare todo lo que venga de ahora en adelante.
Pense que era mas facil pero son experiencias unicas que nos hacen crecer y aprender.
Gracias por acompañarme en mis nuevas vivencias y nos vemos pronto.
It is a very nice stage and I know that I will enjoy everything that comes from now on.
I thought it was easier but they are unique experiences that make us grow and learn.
Thank you for joining me in my new experiences and see you soon.