We People are Not Serious about our Medical Health

Hi Hivelearners friends.

Here, first I will talk about my country and Asian countries. People here are very careless about their health and they don't do their medical checkup for ten years and their life goes on like this. And here we see that people do not take this matter seriously, but later when their health worsens,

They go to the hospital, and it is known that they have many diseases at once. are and because of them all the system they have inside is gone and now they have no other solution and then in the end so many diseases that get together then it becomes difficult to survive again. Here people are still being explained by us but still they don't understand and they don't even go to the doctor for a routine check-up every month.

This is the biggest mistake of all of us that we do not take this matter seriously and here we have to see some other things as well. Even so, they never go for a medical check-up unless they are unwell, so the damage done is too much and then things inside start to deteriorate if every month we all people will continue to get their medical check-ups,


So we know it may be that our internal system is working perfectly well and we don't have any disease at the moment but here people get many diseases when they don't get check up and many years have passed and it is a fact that when the disease starts if it happens, we can handle it and end it, but when it reaches the last stage,

It becomes dangerous and then it does not end and it damages all other things in our body. That is why we are seeing that the life of people in Asian countries is decreasing and if we look in other countries, look in China or in other countries, then read the life of people there for a hundred years. It is also more and the people who are here are leaving the world only after 50 years. Actually,

The people who are here take a lot of tension and due to this, their health deteriorates and then they set this cannot be true one day we all have to leave this world, but it is better to keep things as long as we can take care of them. As we age, things are out of our control. are leaving the world at a young age because they are not taking care of their medical health at all, so here I will tell the incident three days ago,


My uncle was just 42 years old and was quite young and a hard worker. Used to work but suddenly he has a heart attack and they are gone from this world. Whenever someone passes away suddenly like this, it is a very difficult time for his family and at that time his family is also under a lot of tension and worry and it is a fact that when there are people in the world so we don't value them,

When they leave this world, we realize everything and we keep thinking that now we would have valued them, but the person who has left this world never comes back. It will not come, this is a fact of the world, so it is better that we have to take care of our elders, take more care of their health and take them to the hospital every month so that they can be checked up and we know that their internal system is working perfectly.

Or not running and every young person should get this check every month so we will know all the other things. When a person starts getting older, things change a lot in the body and human behavior also changes, then their children should take more care of their parents because at that time they i myself do not understand how things are going,


Then here, as I have just told that the youth were my children and they have left this world, so here, here, at this time, inflation in our country. It's too much, so people don't have enough money they should be able to do their check-up every month and the government hospitals here, if anyone has a recommendation,

They will be treated well and those without a recommendation will not be given medicine, so here we are seeing. That the same system has been running for a long time and no change has been made in it, the people who are very much worried and not happy with this system in their country, here is the same system for both the rich and the poor.


It should have been so that those who are rich and poor can wear the same clothes and be the same go to the hospital. We have learned here in our career of 28 years that people who have money here are able to live a good life and another person cannot earn even two daily bread here, so how can they check up.

That's why we see that people who are 10-10 years old don't even go to the doctor, even when their health is bad, they take self-medication and eat what a person has told them, and it makes them feel better. But we know the side effects of such cheap drugs are very high. When we are young, we do not feel some things,

But after age, we see that our health starts to deteriorate and these are the same. Drug reactions start to become invisible to us. If we want to live a good and healthy life, we have to include this routine in our life.


Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writer, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

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