Life is too Short Lets Make it Fun


Hi #Hiveghana community.

Today's Topic is very great and interesting. "THE BEAUTY OF LIFE". Today's topic is very interesting and I can write many special things on it that you have to tell people and as we all know that life is not easy for every person some people.

So life is very easy especially for those who are born in a rich family and they never have to worry about money in their life or to earn money for such small things. One has to work hard, they just dictate and everything is achieved. Today's middle class life has become very difficult due to inflation.

Middle class people have to work hard in life even for two meals a day. When a boy grows up and gets a degree, the family thinks that he should do a good job and run the house well. But here, when there are no jobs in the country, how can one lead a good life and improve the life of his family, even then the young man who is there starts going into depression.


The only beautiful thing in life is in childhood, when a person talks to his parents about every wish and parents immediately fulfill that wish. School days, college days, when one only had to do one thing in life or just study or have fun with friends, that life is very good and it is remembered as soon as one is young.

And when responsibilities come, life becomes very different. Every person initially enjoys life and lives happily, but when problems come, life becomes very different. Then when this time of life passes and each friend enters into his practical life, the meeting with those friends also happens years later with friends who have spent a long time on a bench and with each other all their lives.

There are things to spend but life teaches a person a lesson everywhere and a person is only successful who learns from mistakes in life and does not make mistakes in the future. When dealing with a human being, we know from the behavior of another human being that this human being is sensitive to us.


This is the thought that a young guy always thinks that he has got his degree now and he will now get a good job and give a good life to his family but when he spends a year and a half looking for a job.

And if a good job is not found, then from here a person starts to go into trouble and then there are some people who cannot bear this trouble and commit suicide and there are some such people then they work hard and earn something.

They try to move to other countries and then they can support their family and themselves are living a good and difficult life because when a person lives without a family, he misses the family a lot. Then he gets married and starts another life after that.


Life is very short, we all should try to enjoy it and we all want to be here but still when there are problems in life then life gives a lot of pain then after that. When a person earns money, his next phase of life starts in which he gets married and then the real life starts when he has more responsibility now he wife has to manage the expenses along with the house,

So there are a few difficulties in life and a lot of happiness, so one should always try to live life happily and not think about problems at all. Otherwise, if a person is miserable in the same way and thinks too much, then diseases start, then it is better to live life happily.

Man's life is easy to say, but it should be asked from a man that how much tougher his life is when he is burdened with responsibilities and then when a man gets married, his worries disappear completely. And after that there is concern for the wife and then the children, so in this whole cycle of life we see that a man never lives a single day for himself,


He lives only for the relationships that are with him. This is what every man wants but still the world says that a man lives only for himself then this is very wrong. Thinks and does not value his life at all and wants it to never cause any trouble to another human being, only happiness.

There is a big difference between life and healthy life. We are living a healthy and good life. If we can help other people to make their life a little easier, then we should do it. This thing is not available to every human being, if we go inside the hospital, how many such people are sick and they are only asking for health and we have got health, so we should always be grateful to our God.


If we help other people, then God will also help us and remove the problems and difficulties in our life, so I get a lot of happiness by helping others and that is what life is all about. Because of you, people live a little happier life.

The time of life is passing so fast and then we don't know that our children also have children and we become old when we are more than 50 years old then we have a very troubled life and who by the way, it is a fact that one day all people have to grow old, so we all should take care of our parents more during this age.


If we take care of our parents, we will respect them. So tomorrow our children will also take care of us and honor us, so life is the name of that thing, we should always live happily and give happiness to others.


Read my latest blogs.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Wise words here. We should live life without worries because all worries does is give way for sickness and diseases to our body, which doesn’t allow us to enjoy life. Health is wealth.
