Look who turned 22 last Friday🥳
Last Friday was an amazing one for me but I didn't have the time to write about my birthday because my examination is ongoing. I turned twenty two years old last Friday. It was an amazing day for me.
Initially I was so sad. It was my first birthday away from family and friends, I wondered how it would go. I have a ritual of taking studio pictures each year to be reminded of what I looked like each time I turned a new year but I didn't do that this year because I was far from home.
A day before my birthday, I had my hair done. It was a last minute decision. I thought I should look good at least. Took forever to get it done, I could barely turn my head because it was so painful but I survived.
I also had my fingernails manicured. Something simple and cute.
My Hair😍
I was given a little money to celebrate my birthday in the manner I wanted. What I intended to do was just cook and share the food among a selected number of people.
I got myself some perfumes as my birthday present. A mousuf Wardi, Mousuf Alya and a smart collection of oil perfume.
I started my day with a surprise cake. I've always wanted a birthday cake but I never had it till I turned 22. I saw pictures of children cutting their first birthday cake when they turned a year old but I never had that experience.
When I was about 8 years old, my parents merged my brother and I's birthday and celebrated it. There were lots of things to eat and drink but there was no cake. It made me sad. Who celebrates a birthday without a cake?
The first cake
The second cake
As I grew older, I craved a birthday cake much more. I could have easily gotten it for myself but I refused to. Does the celebrant buy her cake? I don't think so.
I must have shared my plight somewhere in a conversation and my friend heard it and placed an order for me a week before my birthday. The cake was so tiny and I didn't understand the decoration 😂 but the taste was very nice and I was so excited about it.
About an hour after she presented me with the cake, I got a call. The caller wished me a happy birthday and asked for my home address to make a delivery. It was another cake! The icing read "Happy birthday Mama". I just knew in that moment that it was a man that sent it😂
Next, I went to the market to get some fresh chicken, ingredients and a pack of malt drinks. Midway into my shopping, my friend who's also my neighbour called and requested that I come home immediately. Something was fishy but I complied.
On getting home, I found two foot wears outside her door. I knocked and she opened but I saw no one. That was strange because I strongly believed that my brother was there.
Next moment her balcony door opened and my brother popped in with his friend. I was so excited 😂
We went on to cook. We prepared fried plantain and peppered chicken for my brother and his friend. I served them snacks while we cooked. After their meal, I was presented with a few presents and journeyed back to their houses. I was so happy.
I kept on cooking. I prepared rice and chicken stew. A friend came over later in the evening. We spent the rest of the hours eating, drinking and talking about my day and school in general.
I shared my cake and drink only with people who wished me a happy birthday and were genuinely happy for me. I only served food to two special guests😂 which were those who got me cakes.
I had a very quiet but amazing birthday. I received heartfelt messages from family and friends.
What stood out for me on my birthday was the efforts made by my close friends to make me have a good day.
A night before my birthday, I chatted with a friend and I expressed my sadness about how I'm not happy that I'm growing older and all the things I thought I'd achieve at this age still seem far away. She listened and encouraged me to be thankful for what I've been able to achieve so far.
And honestly, though I felt sad about everything not going as planned, there's been a lot of progress which I'm grateful for.
I didn't take pictures this year as I said earlier and it's very expected of people to ask for my pictures so they can post on social media but I had no current pictures to give.
My friend invaded my wardrobe and dragged me to her room against my will, made me dress up and gave me a very light makeover and we began some serious indoor shoot😂
I was very dull initially and I kept saying I wasn't interested but then, I realized she was doing this for me so I just allowed her to do her thing. I took it as a modelling session and honestly, it was all fun.
Some gifts I got
Very unexpected people showed me so much love on this birthday. I am beyond thankful.
It was a memorable 22nd birthday. Here's to wishing myself much more grace, happiness and the best things that there is.
About The Author
I am a witty, adventurous and nicheless writer who loves to sing, take pictures, teach and travel. I am currently an English Education student at the University of Nigeria Nsukka. I am also a young children's teacher who homeschools kids during holidays. I love to share my life experiences through writing with the hope of inspiring as many people as possible on the Hive space.
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It's not too late to wish you a very Happy Birthday,
I wish you long life in Good Health and Wealth
Keep Shinning, keep Winning dear
Of course it's not too late😌
Thank you so much @oluwadrey
happy birthday! those gifts are really cool. I wish you more luck and happiness :)
Thank you so much 🥰
Happy birthday to you dear, you definitely had a fun day... Happy 22nd year on earth and I pray you keep having reasons to celebrate as you continue to grow older ❤️
O dear, sorry, I didn't see this comment. Thank you so much ❤️