Rain 2000- Claudia 0


It was a bright and sunny day.
Well so we all thought. I woke up early that day, well it wasn't like I got much sleep the day because I was writing an endless report while reading for my last paper.
Picture from my phone

It was really sunny and if I didn't count how tired and sleep deprived I was, plus my exam, I would have given washing my clothes a thought.

My last paper was scheduled for three o'clock in the evening and during the day, there was still so much I needed to cover (Does anyone actually ever finish reading?)

Time flew by and before I knew it, two o'clock was staring at me. Okay I will tell the truth.
I didn't actually spend the whole day reading, once it was 10 o'clock, I was already back in my bed.

I told my ever so loving brother to wake me up around one so I could revise quickly, then get ready for school.
The next time I opened my eyes, it was two already and when I shouted that I was going to be late, He said, "I woke you up around nineteen minutes past one and then you said nineteen three times then went back to bed and you didn't ask me to wake you up twice".
I have the best brother in the world

So I rushed, the sky was a little darkened.
I didn't think much of it. The sun was shining very brightly earlier, there was no way it would rain.
I made it for my paper. Our invigilators actually arrived very late so by the time I finished my paper it was a few minutes past five.

It was like the rain waited for us to be done.
It started with a light drizzle and before I knew it, it was pouring heavily.
I looked around and some people were already opening their umbrellas.
Like how did you guys know it was going to rain?

I checked the time, I knew I needed to inside my house behind locked doors before six because of the recent cult clash and shootings.
So my friends and I had no choice, we had to start walking under the rain because we all came to the conclusion that getting beat by rain was so much better than getting hit by a stray bullet.

I think someone needs to do a really intense research about the rain having ears because its intensity doubled by the time we started walking.
We were a group of five girls so we looked at the positive side and decided to use it as a medium to gist.

After getting soaked in the rain, we finally made it out of school. Four of them live around school and I live a little farther so I got into a bus.
I don't know why but thank God I did. I checked my bag and I realized that my purse wasn't in it.

They say when you are about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. I had a similar encounter except a memory of me getting my purse out to pay for something and leaving it there.
I jumped out of the bus and back under the rain.

I really wished the rain could have felt my panic and felt sorry for me. Everything was inside that purse, my school ID card, my three ATM cards, my fee clearance card and the plenty money I didn't have.

Walking under the rain the first time was fun but as I struggled to find my way back into school, all I felt was panic.
The kind of rain that beat my life that evening was definitely one to remember.
The worst part, I decided I wanted to be a hot girl for my last paper and wore a spaghetti top.

By the time I got back into school, the water from my clothes was enough to mix with sand and build a mansion. Luckily the owner of the shop saw the purse and kept it.
I got my purse and on my way out of school back under the rain, someone took pity on me and gave me a ride.

The plan was simple, get out of the car, then run to where I would take a tricycle straight back home.
My plan was disrupted when my brother called me that all the shops around the houses were closed because of the clash so I had to buy the things we would cook that evening before I got home and if it wasn't much trouble, I should stop at a shopping mall and buy sausage for him.

I thanked the kind man and I started Claudia under the rain part two.
The distance from the road inside the mall was going to require extra beating but I knew if I didn't buy that sausage, it was over.
He would swell and swell until he finally exploded 😂.

After everything, I managed to get back home.
He opened the door and said, "Oh did the rain beat you?"
If murder didn't require jail time, it would have happened right there.
I got a cold the next day but the perks of it is that I got out of cleaning the house.

I love the rain, I really do but I prefer when I'm in my bed cuddling my pillow and not when it's mercilessly falling on my head like I offended it.


I woke you up early, 19 minutes before the time is still early if you ask anybody.
