I wish..
I won't ever get past my life not being a fictional story.
Sometimes I wish it was though.
I wish I could run back in time just like Barry Allen and change the course of time.
I know doing this could alter reality but sometimes...
I wish I had the ability to change time.
There are so many things I would do, so many different opportunities I would explore, so many things I would change.
People say the one thing in life that's constant is change.
It happens, people come and go.
Time passes and people grow just like I did.
I remember when I was so eager to be an adult, make my own choices, have my freedom. I wish I had the ability to change time, I would go back to the time when life was so much easier, I would go back to a time when I looked like her.
Time passes in seconds and just those little ticks have the ability to change so much.
I thought I found my soulmate, I really did.
Someone who would be my forever person. I would say I was wrong because forever is supposed to last for well forever.
This was a really happy moment and if I could change time, I'd go back to this day.
Everything happens for a reason, I think things are the way they were meant to be but if I did happen to stumble upon a time machine, I would use it to go back to different points in time and say the words I love you more to her.
Last year, I was on IT and all I wanted to do was escape and get back to school, I didn't actually know what I was going to miss until I left.
My mum and I were two peas in a pods during that period.
I think our relationship transformed from an African Mother- Daughter relationship into one of best friends.
We would talk in low tones about the latest gists in the company where I interned and giggle about it.
Everyone wanted to get married last year and I found myself as her handbag going everywhere with her.
Sigh... I really love my mum and I really miss her.
We talk on the phone but it's just so much different and with final year, everything is too much.
I resume second semester tomorrow and I haven't even written my last paper for first semester.
Anyway, if I could time travel, I would go back and relive those little moments with her.
I spend so much of my time focusing on the things that I think are most important but in the process I miss out on the things that do matter.
I wish I had the ability to change time and I wish I had the ability to freeze time because sometimes pictures are not enough to capture the moments, sometimes I just want to exist in that moment for as long as I possibly can.
Well, if wishes were horses, beggars would ride and up until this point I have no clue what this actually means😂.
I really do hope I have more moments with the people I love and I hope my soulmate is out there waiting to be found but until then I will do the only thing I can,
I will keep on wishing.
All the images are personal pictures from my phone
I think many of us would like to change or alter time, either to do something we left out or to repeat what caused us wellbeing.
What a nice relationship you have with your mother, may the distance and commitments not affect the trust.
It’s great to see that the guy in the middle made you both happy..I wish for such happiness sometime in my life...
Your mom and you are supposed to be like that..it’s great to see that you had a big smile on your face and she shared the same smile ...btw , you have the most beautiful scar in the world !
What brought me to this "four days" ago post?
I'm glad I opened it to see the smallie face😄