Newbies Task 10 — Target count ┃ Tarea de novatos 10 — Recuento de objetivos


      This is task number 10 for the newbies initiative. Thanks to my team leader, @justfavour.
In this article:
1. Verification of objectives
2. My experience in the newbies initiative
3. What I can contribute to the newbies initiative
     Esta es la tarea número 10 para la iniciativa de novatos. Gracias a mi líder de equipo, @justfavour.
En este artículo:
1. Comprobación de objetivos
2. Mi experiencia en la iniciativa de novatos
3. Qué puedo aportar a la iniciativa de novatos

1. Verification
of objectives

Go back to your task 1, check the goals you set for yourself and count them again, to see how you performed. Did you exceed those goals? Tell us why and how.

     On October 06, 2023, I did my first official assignment for the newbies iniative. In it, I talked about the goals I hoped to accomplish over the next 3 months, which end this January 6.

     The goals were as follows:

🏁 Reach 60 reputation points.
🏁 Reach 300 HP.
🏁 Reach 100 followers.

     Well, these are the results:

☑ I reached 61 reputation points.
☐ 273 HP (I was 27 HP short).
☐ 81 Followers (I was short 19 followers).

     Although my last two goals were not met by this date, I am confident that, God willing, I will reach them next month with the schedule I have set for myself.

     The truth is that it is not easy to balance one's responsibilities with constant activity in Hive, but since it is one of my priorities, I will try harder in those and other aspects this year. Anyway, I am proud of how close I came, especially in the HPs.

1. Comprobación
de objetivos

Vuelve a tu tarea 1, comprueba los objetivos que te marcaste y vuelve a contarlos, para ver cómo te has comportado. ¿Has superado esos objetivos? Dinos por qué y cómo.

     El 06 de octubre del 2023 hice mi primera tarea oficial para la iniativa de novatos. En ella, hablé de los objetivos que esperaba cumplir durante los siguientes 3 meses, los cuales finalizan este 6 de enero.

     Las metas eran las siguientes:

🏁 Llegar a los 60 puntos de reputación.
🏁 Llegar a los 300 HP.
🏁 Llegar a los 100 seguidores.

     Pues, estos son los resultados:

☑ He llegado a los 61 puntos de reputación.
☐ 273 HP (me faltaron 27 HP).
☐ 81 Seguidores (me faltaron 19 seguidores).

     A pesar de que mis últimas dos metas no fueron cumplidas para esta fecha, confío en que, si Dios lo permite, las alcanzaré el mes siguiente con el horario que me he propuesto.

     Lo cierto es que no es fácil equilibrar las responsabilidades de una persona con la actividad constante en Hive, pero dado que es una de mis prioridades, me esforzaré más en esos y otros aspectos este año. De todas maneras, estoy orgullosa de cuánto me acerqué, especialmente en los HP.

2. My experience in the
newbies initiative

How was your experience with the newbies initiative, what do you have to say about it?

     It was an enriching, entertaining and interesting experience. Going back in time, thanks to the weekly peer postings, I met hard-working people with very good vibes, of which there are some with whom I keep in touch to this day.

     When the course as such started, I appreciated the weekly meetings with @newnow497 where we could clarify our doubts. He explained clearly and very patiently the program he touched those weeks, guiding us step by step in aspects we had no idea about blockchain.

     The games that were played in the evenings through the Smile server also contributed a lot to get to know each other better, and to have more confidence when it came to teaming up for tasks that required forming pairs or teams, besides making us laugh. Although I didn't have the opportunity to attend as many as I would have liked.

     In each task, we were given the opportunity to perform activities that would serve to practice the steps we had previously been given. In several assignments there was material to study, which was very helpful in guiding me.

     I am going to be specific in relation to the aspects that I consider most practical personally of everything I learned:

✔ The importance of setting realistic goals and focusing on them, setting out a plan that allows us to go, step by step, to get closer to success.

✔ The importance of keeping my passwords safe, since I had them relatively exposed, and to be more careful not to drop my passwords somewhere by accident (now I use Hive Keychain, and I feel safer doing transactions that require active passwords).

✔ I learned everything I can do with tokens and how to use Hive Engine, and that was an enlightenment for me.

✔ Learning all the features of Canva has really helped me not to rely on the royalty-free image banks. There are a lot of tools in Canva that I haven't seen in other apps, and worth the hype, it's been a great ally in creating eye-catching covers with relative ease.

✔ I learned that we are referred to as marine species depending on our growth on the platform - no wonder the "ecosystem" thing!

2. Mi experiencia
en la iniciativa de novatos

¿Cómo fue tu experiencia en la iniciativa de los novatos, qué tienes que decir al respecto?

     Fue una experiencia enriquecedora, entretenida e interesante. Retrocediendo en el tiempo, gracias a las publicaciones de compañeros semanales, conocí a personas trabajadoras y con muy buena vibra, de las cuales hay algunas con las que mantengo contacto hasta el día de hoy.

     Cuando empezó el curso como tal, agradecí las reuniones de semanales con @newnow497 donde podíamos aclarar nuestras dudas. Él nos explicó claramente y con mucha paciencia el programa que tocó esas semanas, guiándonos paso a paso en aspectos de los que no teníamos idea de la blockchain.

     Los juegos que se hacían en las noches a través del servidor de Smile también contribuyeron bastante a conocernos mejor, y tener más confianza a la hora de entablar equipos para las tareas que requerían formar pareja o equipos, además de hacernos reír. Aunque no tuve la oportunidad de asistir a tantos como me hubiera gustado.

     En cada tarea, se nos daba la oportunidad de ejecutar actividades que nos servirían para practicar los pasos que se nos habían dado previamente. En varias tareas hubo material a estudiar, que me sirvió bastante para guiarme.

     Voy a ser específica con relación a los aspectos que considero más prácticos en lo personal de todo lo que aprendí:

✔ La importancia de plantearse metas realistas y enfocarse en ellas, planteándose un plan que nos permita ir, paso a paso, acercarnos al éxito.

✔ La importancia de guardar bien mis claves, dado que las tenía relativamente expuestas, y de tener más cuidado de no dejar caer mis claves en algún sitio por accidente (ahora uso Hive Keychain, y me siento más segura haciendo transacciones que requieren clave activa).

✔ Aprendí todo lo que puedo hacer con los tokens y a utilizar Hive Engine, y esa fue una iluminación para mí.

✔ Aprender todas las funciones de Canva me ha ayudado mucho a no depender de los bancos de imágenes sin derecho de autor. En Canva hay muchas herramientas que no he visto en otras aplicaciones, y valga la publicidad, ha sido un gran aliado para crear portadas llamativas con relativa facilidad.

✔ Aprendí que se nos denomina como especies marinas dependiendo de nuestro crecimiento en la plataforma. ¡Con razón lo de "ecosistema"!

3. What I can contribute to
the newbies initiative

If you had something to contribute to make the rookie initiative work better, what do you think you could do?
      It seems to me that some Spanish-speaking instructor is needed, since we were without one for a good part of the course, so that would be something I could contribute to the newbie initiative.

3. Qué puedo aportar a la
iniciativa de novatos

Si tuvieras que aportar algo para que la iniciativa de los novatos funcionara mejor, ¿qué crees que podrías hacer?
     Me parece que es necesario algún instructor que hable español, dado que estuvimos sin uno en buena parte del curso, así que eso sería algo que pudiera aportar a la iniciativa de novatos.

Traducción DEEPL
Edición de imágen POLISH PHOTO EDITOR
Translation DEEPL


Saliste super bien! Felicidades! Espero que tengas un Ano Nuevo muy bueno. De tu amigo!


¡Gracias, @thebighigg! Siempre es agradable tenerte en los comentarios. Igualmente para ti, que tengas un año nuevo productivo y satisfactorio! 💕



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I wish you all the best on your hive journey and I hope you're able to achieve your new set targets. Happy new year ❤️



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Just amazing! You have done the great work. You have patience to do the tasks. I appreciate your hard work, such informative post is much needed.



Thanks, @ayamihaya. Your comments are always appreciated. I try to make it a pleasant experience for the reader to enter, and I think I'm slowly improving. 💕


✔ I learned everything I can do with tokens and how to use Hive Engine, and that was an enlightenment for me.

This is something I have been trying to learn since last year. There are so many tokens. Which ones are worth doing anything with and which ones to just get rid of would be nice to know.

✔ Learning all the features of Canva has really helped me not to rely on the royalty-free image banks. There are a lot of tools in Canva that I haven't seen in other apps, and worth the hype, it's been a great ally in creating eye-catching covers with relative ease.

I have pretty much steered clear of canva, mainly because I am trying to get more into open source projects but would love to learn more about how I could do what can be done in it.

✔ I learned that we are referred to as marine species depending on our growth on the platform - no wonder the "ecosystem" thing!

In the back of my mind I already knew this but until you mentioned it I did not really think anything about it. It is a cool concept.


Wow!! You did amazingly well dear🥂. Balancing real life and online is quite stressful but I'm sure you'll smash it in the year 2024

Just like you said, setting unrealistic goals for yourself is setting yourself up to fail.
