Weekend-engagement Topic Week203

Hi everyone, it another beautiful moment again with you, wow it a beautiful topic this weekend, talking about relationships which is a sensitive issue.

Relationship is important then anything on earth, relationship is easy to start but deficut to maintain it also need sacrifice, relationship is sweet when doing it with the right persons, relationship is sweet when the two parties keep selfishness asides and look after each other's back.
Last time in my life I feel am in love and all i needed that moment was to inform my people about it i was seriously crazy about that unique relationship and thank God it come true.

Do you prioritize your relationship or your career more

I prioritize my relationship more


Because career can not fill in the gap, when I needed advice or love my career can not give me that, career can never be my companion, one can only deceive himself but the truth remain, there is no consolation in career but with the right person as my darling husband he is more than adviser, helper, comforter in short is my priority and everything.

Above all, he tells me what I never think of telling myself, he is always there in good time and in bad time, he point out the truth to my face even when he knows it hurts but can my career do that, that is reason why I choice my relationship than career.
All picture are mine.
Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderful night.
