My Clean Planet Activity For Today 1/05/2024
In this age of technology it is easier than ever before to compare ourselves to one another, which can lead to a lot of thoughts of inadequacy.
With all the worries and anxiety that we envelope ourselves in, what changed has it brings to us please let free ourselves and gives thanks to our maker for keeping us healthy and alife.
Even though is a natural thing to feel that way because we are all humans but at the same time we should not forget that we can't help ourselves on less the creator make a way where there is no way, so let's use this moment in thinksgiving for how far he has seen us throughout the last month to this month
He deserved that moment from us, we may not understand the depth of what am saying until you visit the hospital or see how the poor are suffering that is when we will know how to give thanks to God.
Never the less, am wishing you all the best of the new month.
Thank you @cleanplanet @cleanyourcity @solarisfuture @resonator