RE: Simply Rooted In Happiness...

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You know, I read this and see you in a new light. There are days I just wish to go back to those days when it all seemed okay. It was fun. I didn’t lack anything or at least that’s how I saw it. I was carefree and content. Which is why we ask, where did it all go wrong?

Anyway. I guess life won’t be worth living if it was all smooth sailing. We need to find ourselves somewhere in between all the chaos because that is unavoidable.


It's really unavoidable really and we can't expect a smooth sail like you have said.

As kids, there were so many things we didn't know. We weren't too eager about tomorrow and even when we did, we believe our parents got things in control. Life was pretty smooth even though it wasn't and if we look deeply, contentment was that thing that made life perfect.

We lost it at a point because we want more out of life and tracing ourselves back to being content will do us a whole lot of good.

Thanks for your thoughtful response, I am happy to have you around.
