You Don't Have to Be RICH, to Be Rich!
In this modern world of ours, we often pay a lot of attention to this whole idea of being/getting rich.
After all, the idea is all around us, all the time... in movies, in books, in advertising messages; pretty much wherever you look.
You should strive towards becoming RICH!
But what does that even mean?
Many years ago, I remember reading an article in some magazine about a prominent art collector, back in my native Denmark.
Everyone was very surprised to discover — after the man's death — that an ordinary journeyman plumber had a world class art collection. How could such a thing even be possible?
Isn't such a thing as collecting art the domain of "old money" living in mansions in the Hamptons?
It was an object lesson in the importance of priorities and passions.
Unlike many of his friends and peers, this particular man didn't "drink away his money," and he didn't go on vacations, nor did he buy "stuff" to fill his life with.
He lived modestly — although by no means a pauper — and saved whatever he could with an eye towards buying art, a thing for which he had a great passion.
Now he didn't have a particularly large art collection, just a very high quality one, acquired at a rate of maybe one or two pieces a year, over a period of some 50 years.
He made lifestyle choices that allowed him to live on maybe 80% of his income, and the remaining 20% was saved up for art... with great determination, and no deviation from that particular path.
Allegedly, he only had two vans during the entire 50-odd years he worked as a plumber, sometimes with the result of some (friendly) ribbing from his peers about being resistant to change.
Whereas his kids were well aware of "dad's obsession with paintings," they were totally blown away to discover (after his death) that those paintings were worth millions, as was the world, in general.
Of course, this is the story of someone who was definitely not typical, and the vast majority of us lack that sort of focus and discipline... as well as a passion for something very specific.
Even so, the point is that sometimes we can be rich in certain ways, even if we don't have a lot of riches in the conventional interpretation of the term.
Although it was by no means on the same scale, I collected stamps for many years... and when tough times came calling after Mrs. Denmarkguy had two shoulder surgeries in 2011-12 and we ended up with lots of medical expenses, it was — in a sense — my choice to buy rare stamps instead of fancy vacations that kept us from going bankrupt.
In other words, "riches" — whether little or large — can take many forms, and are often "invisible" to the greater world around us.
One thing is for sure, they are not going to take the form of consuming lots of "stuff," as the shiny ads on TV would have us believe.
Just top bring the bunny back around... one of the things many people miss is the fact that most of the "luxury brands" industry isn't actually for rich people... it's for people who are trying to LOOK rich, while probably not really being able to afford those luxury brands.
Just something to think about...
Thanks for stopping by, and have a great Sunday!
Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!
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Created at 2024.12.01 01:06 PST
We ask, why doesn't anyone do anything about these bad downvotes on Hive?
livinguktaiwan (79)in HiveFest • 2 days ago
He would never survive an hour at HiveFest now 🔪🔪🔪
On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out
We want to address the issue of downvoting. It has caused pain to many people, and we want to make sure it doesn't happen again reply to @jacobtothe
On Hive a significant issue exists with automatic upvotes consistently rewarding the same individuals day in and day out
We hope that those who genuinely care about Hive will reconsider their actions, as continuing down this path could inadvertently harm innocent users who are unaware of these issues
lol the Marky mark keeps dreaming
There's been a notable increase in frustration and concern among many users
Reply 2 @crimsonclad You may consider yourself clever
Reply to @crimsonclad
Consider revising the value plan, as it's not providing significant benefits to HIVE
The Value Plan, as it stands, seems to be a one-sided relationship with the HIVE platform, where the benefits are one-way
Actions indeed speak louder than words, a fact we've all observed individuals may talk a good game, a whole lot of shit, but their actions often expose their genuine nature LOL
We consider it unwise to engage in harmful actions, even if you think you can escape the repercussions
The Hive Police aka Hivewatchers, are the real heroes of Hive LOL, aren't they?
Feast your eyes on Hive's trending page, what a load of trash
LoL it's the Hivewatchers Hive Police, dishing out orders like a bakery LOL! Folks, do what you want with your Hive power, just as you please. And you, Hivewatchers, downvote away, but remember, judgment day's coming
Harry fam We're just here, laughing at the shenanigans on Hive! Sure, our content's getting downvoted, but hey, it's all part of the game LOL
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jacobtothe [-]
logic [-]
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citizensmith [-]
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meestemboom [-]
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meesterleo [-]
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and 1 more
On Hive, there's a user who frequently burns a significant amount of Hive LOL with his own accounts
How To Fool An Entire Population
it's so, so concerning to see Blocktrades delegating 2+ million Hive power to Buildawhale, and Buildawhale is downvoting legitimate content
We began sharing factual information following unwarranted downvotes on Hive it's all in the transactions
Upon examining our posts, you will notice they have been downvoted, and we've been labeled as scammers and spammers, which we find amusing. We consistently share new content
Once again, we ask why is our legit content being downvoted on Hive and what is the reason behind it. Hivewatchers ADM spaminator steemcleaners guiltyparties logic
We have Hive witnesses farming Hive, self-voting, operating comment farms, and self-funding projects with community resources
Let's delve into the Builda whale farm on the Hive, Gogreenbuddy, who is also colloquially known as the Marky mark USAINVOTE UPMYVOTE IPROMOTE and 100's more if not thousands
Buildawhale farm
Curation Rewards
The Marky mark
Curation Rewards
Curation Rewards
Curation Rewards
Curation Rewards
Downvoters we've got to ask, what's the joy in downvoting, huh? It just shows how down in the dumps you are! Remember, Themarkymark himself has been downvoted in the past
Funny seeing how much power a Hiver with mental health issues wields! And talk about support, Blocktrades is like his trusty sidekick LOL
Many question the impact of downvoting and the role of certain Top Hivers, including Themarkymark who abuses his power, many express disappointment about the lack of response from those in positions of authority NO HELP.
Withdraw vesting from @poshbot to @ipromote0.921 HIVE
Oct 27, 2021
Buildawhale downvoting good content, self-voting comments powering down funds that are then sent to Ipromote and then the alpha account controlled by Blocktrades' wife doesn't look good and raises questions about the transparency and fairness of Hive.
Posted using Bilpcoin
Withdraw vesting from @stemgeeks to @ipromote0.000 HIVE
10 days ago
Withdraw vesting from @proposalalert to @ipromote1.191 HIVE
10 days ago
Sent to gogreenbuddy-7.195 HIVE
Sep 2, 2023
Withdraw vesting from @buildawhale to @ipromote4513.185 HIVE
12 days ago
Received: 2,320,284 HP
@blocktrades 2,320,227 HP Aug 16, 2020
@nwjordan 24 HP May 27, 2018
@gillianlienmap 23 HP Aug 18, 2020
@epicgames 6 HP Jul 2, 2019
I just finished reading a book called "The Psychology of Money" Timeless Lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness by Morgan Housel which shared so many stories of people who became rich doing just the same thing as you describe. I wish someone had taught me how to do that back when I was young. Today, I invest as much as I can and am happy to be almost debt-free except for a few more car payments.
I think one's wealth is in how one perceives their lives to be. Rich is just a mindset and it rolls over into every area of your life. Money is just one factor although we all would love a great deal of it, wouldn't we?
There was a somewhat famous study done at one of the Ivy League universities, concerning money and happiness. They followed a group of people for more than a decade... and it was determined that beyond the point of having "basic comfort" met to where you are not stressing about bills, food and basics... it actually makes very little different to a person's happiness to have more money... and beyond a certain point, happiness actually starts to decline because the degree of worry associated with wealth starts to take effect.
All of us at one point in our lives have wanted to be rich. The wealth of man is not only in material goods but in the immaterial. For me, the intelligent man possesses great wealth and it is not necessarily expressed in money. What you write was very interesting to me. I love your images, they are very beautiful. Thank you for sharing. 🤗
Indeed. You don't hear a lot of people on their death bed wishing they had made more money... they invariably talk about the people in their lives, and the experiences they had.
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Check out our last posts:
Real wealth isn’t defined by the accumulation of vast sums of money. It’s about finding joy, purpose, and satisfaction in the life we have. You don't need to be rich in material possessions to genuinely feel affluent. We find richness in the connections we value, the affection we share and receive, the instances that bring us joy, and the tranquility we experience within our hearts. It lies in the ability to appreciate simple joys, the thankfulness for our blessings, and the strength to seek joy even during difficult periods. A life rich in connection, kindness, and purpose holds far greater worth than any financial riches. Wealth is a matter of viewpoint—recognizing plenty in what genuinely counts, instead of pursuing aspects that won’t provide enduring satisfaction.