Who's Making Money on That, Anyway?
Maybe I'm getting cynical in my old age, but sometimes it seems like the only independent people who are making money are the people who are selling "programs and systems" to help independent people make money.
Whether it's looking at my inbox and my e-mail in the morning, or looking at the "recommended for you" tweets coming through, or posts on my Facebook feed or whatever, so much of what is suggested seems to be about people suggesting they have a plan for how you can get richer.
I think what bothers me about it is the fact that so few of these people who are recommending these programs actually made money doing anything original themselves... they just are making money telling other people how to make money.
But when you dig around and try to find any kind of track record the only thing they've actually made money at is telling people how to make money. Did they actually make money with an actual business themselves before this? No they didn't. And chances are they suck just as much at making money as the people there now trying to sell a program to about making money!
Ironic, isn't it?
Although I was never deeply into network marketing myself, I did spend a number of years researching and writing about that industry for a business publication.
During that particular cycle in my life one of the things I noticed was that the people who actually were making money in that particular industry were the ones who were supplying collateral and support materials to the people in the industry, more so than the people actually in the industry.
Again, I say "ironic, isn't it?"
Experience has taught me that most businesses are a lot of work... more than most people realize, when they first get involved.
A New Paradigm
Now I find myself looking around the Cryptosphere and asking myself the question of whether any of all these people who have alleged "systems" to make money with crypto actually have made money with crypto themselves, or are they merely making money by selling people systems on how to make money with crypto.
Again, I might be getting slightly cynical here but one of the things that tends to hold true is that if you're actually successful at doing something you generally don't have time to tell other people about how to do things.
Which goes back to an old business truism from a long time ago which is that "those who do, do and those who can't, teach."
When thinking about that I can't honestly say that I'm particularly interested in taking lessons on how to do something from somebody who wasn't vastly successful at doing that thing themselves before they started giving lessons! Buyer beware!
If they're just giving me lessons because they couldn't actually make it themselves and now hope that maybe I'm a little more determined and will go out and somehow find a magic formula using a few of their tips that they share with me for $499 plus tax…
Yes, I'm a little jaded and cynical...
Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your week!
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Created at 2024-06-13 01:05 PDT
How a cynic is born...