What is "Interesting?" Perspective Matters!

I expect we all have our own interpretations of what "interesting" stuff on the web looks like.

I ended up thinking about this after seeing a recent Hive discussion about the value (or lack of) of personal journals, among other things. Some argue they are of no interest to Hive...


Truth is, what each of us actually finds interesting likely varies tremendously, so trying to throw a blanket definition over "interesting" would be a pretty subjective matter.

Interesting to whom?

Simple example: I know lots of people who are fascinated by — and engrossed in — the actions and lifestyles of celebrities, whether they be sports figures or movie stars. I can think of few things more mindnumbingly boring than celebrity lifestyles. I also have no interest in gaming, or people streaming their gameplay.

To some people, that means I'm a bit of a weirdo!

Frankly, I'd rather read about perfectly ordinary people's lives and days... because I find that a lot more relatable than celebrity lives.


Of course, it seems likely that at least some of these differences turn into issues because there are more than a few people out there who seem believe that "everyone" ought to like the same things — and think like — they do.

Back when I did a lot of work in the marketing field I quickly learned that we should mostly consider ourselves lucky if more than 5% of the world relates to us!

Our "job" is to find that 5%, rather than lose sleep over what the 95% is doing, and complaining about them not relating to our situation.

And - unless you're obsessed with posting your gaming updates in a recipe sharing forum - that's really perfectly normal.


Admittedly, maybe I'm a little amped up about people clashing over minor differences, likely as a "hangover" from the US Presidential election circus... which seems to (as usual) be bringing out the worst in people.

Growing up, I don't remember people becoming so dis-civil over differences of experience and preferences. Have we really - as a species; as a society - grown that intolerant of things that are not what we would choose?

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great rest of your week!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment — share your experiences — be part of the conversation! I do my best to answer comments, even if it sometimes takes a few days!


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Created at 2024.10.10 01:30 PST



The origin of "blog" is "web log," right? It all started as a sort of public diary and commonplace book system. @flemingfarm's posts, for example, about the daily homestead chores and occasional excursions to glide or climb are far more relatable and interesting to me than any celebrity nonsense, like you said.


That is exactly right! Most of the early iterations of LiveJournal, OpenDiary, MDD and Xanga didn't have blogs "about" anything... it was all about life and hobbies and such.


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