Sometimes an Entire Day Goes by With Just LIFE!

Today has been one of those days where it felt like I spent most of my day just running around doing things that I generally would consider "busy work" and relatively meaningless in the greater context of life.


In a sense, it felt a little bit like an object lesson in that old John Lennon quote: "life is what happens while you're busy making other plans."

As human beings - at least this human being - we tend to want some kind of deeper meaning and purpose in life and yet we spend an awful lot of our time just running around doing meaningless little things that we feel like "need" to be done.

And there's a part of me that understands why a lot of history's thinkers often ended up living as hermits, out in a hut somewhere out in the middle of the woods where there's no telephone, and no Internet and no TV because they can be away from the constant clamor of all that stuff we have to do.


Sometimes it all feels to me like nothing so much as a large and noisy flock of seagulls chasing after a fishing vessel, waiting for the fish guts to be thrown over the side by a deck hand.

It's chaotic and noisy and largely meaningless, filled with squabbles and frustration until that one moment the prize appears and everybody fights over every tiny scrap. And then the swarming starts anew.

Of course the gulls can help it; they are gulls and it's their nature. But can't we humans do better?

I'd like to think so... but today I felt like just another seagull, caught in the competitive circus of cruising for fish scraps.


Of course, this brings up the entire issue of whether or not human life gets to be this enjoyable experience, or is that merely an illusion created by hippie culture and the New Age movement. To be fair, I know my parents had few expectations that life would be anything more than primarily a struggle.

And so, perhaps our days that pass with nothing more meaningful than supermarket trips, coupon clipping and oil changes are exactly how life is supposed to be!

Thanks for stopping by and have a great remainder of your week!

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Created at 2024-04-11 01:45 PDT



Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!
